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Mothers' perceptions of and feelings towards their babies' crying
Authors:Katarina Michelsson   Sonja Paajanen  Arto Rinne  Hannele Tervo  Ilkka Kunnamo  Tapani Kiminkinen
Affiliation: a Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:The frequency and type of crying and the parents' perceptions of it were evaluated in 281 Finnish infants underthe age of 1 year. Not many mothers [14#pc] claimed that their babies cried often or very often. The infants less than three months old cried significantly more in the evening than the older ones. Most mothers [94#pc] reported that the crying aroused feelings of tenderness, but 4#pc found it irritating. The most common response to the cry [97#pc] was to pick the baby up. Additional help was wanted by 49 mothers because of their babies' disturbing crying spells. These mothers reorted that their infants cried more and they stated that the cry made them feel more irritated and more often gave them a feeling of failure than the mothers not in need of help. The majority of these mothers would have been glad to help, including advice, whent the infants were under 3 months of age.
Keywords:Baby crying  perception of crying  mother-child interaction
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