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引用本文:吴波,万慧颖,艾儒棣. 板兰根冲剂致药疹1例[J]. 浙江中西医结合杂志, 2001, 11(1): 4
作者姓名:吴波  万慧颖  艾儒棣
作者单位:四川省成都市第二人民医院 成都 610075
摘    要:1 病例介绍患者冯某,男,18岁,入院前4天因自觉咽喉疼痛,遂自服“板兰根冲剂(北京同仁堂制药二厂生产)2包。因药后症状未缓解,也未再服用。入院前1日在腹部出现红色细小斑丘疹,微痒,未予重视。夜间皮疹逐渐增多,泛发全身,尤以面部、胸腹部为多,自觉瘙痒,伴见口苦咽痛,便干尿黄,纳差,眠差,舌质红苔黄,脉弦数。于1998年9月26日入院。查体:神差懒言,咽部充血(),心肺无异常。T:37.7℃,R:17次/分。皮肤科检查:全身泛发鲜红色斑丘疹,针尖至米粒大小,密集成片,皮疹尤以面部、胸腹部为多,皮温高。血常规检查示:白细胞15.4×109/L,中性36%,淋巴64%…

关 键 词:夏枯草注射液  支气管肺癌  胸水  动物实验

Clinical and Experimental Observations of Hydrothorax in Lung Cancer Cases Treated with Closed Drainage and Injection of Selfheal Spike Injection
Abstract:To observe the therapeutic efficacy of selfheal spike injection in treating hydrothorax of bronchopulmonary carcinoma and explore the mechanism through animal experiments.Methods:78 bronchopulmonary carcinoma cases were divided at random into three groups:selfheal spike,elemene and chemotherapy group and treated accordingly so as to observe the pathological changes of the pleura.Results:The therapeutic efficacy of both selfheal spike and elemence was better that of the chemotherapy (P<0.01).No difference was observed between the selfheal spike efficacy and elemence efficacy.The side effect of selfheal spike group was smaller than that of the elemence and chemotherapy groups.Animal experiment showed that the pleural reaction of selfheal spike group was better that of the elemence and chemotherapy groups.Conclusions:Selfheal spike injection was effective in treating hydrothorax with bronchopulmonary carcinoma with less side effects and its mechanism remained to be further studied.
Keywords:Selfheal spike injection Bronchopulmonary carcinoma Hydrothorax Animal experiment
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