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Intracranial involvement in Hodgkin's disease
Authors:Akyüz Canan  Yalcin Bilgehan  Atahan I Lale  Varan Ali  Kutluk M Tezer  Büyükpamukçu Münevver
Affiliation: a Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Ankara, Turkeyb Department of Radiation Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract:The authors report 3 cases of Hodgkin's disease with intracranial involvement. The patients were 4, 12, and 15 years old (male/female = 1/2). Initially, they were treated with ABVD or COPP chemotherapies and low-dose involved field radiotherapy. Intracranial recurrences occurred 27, 40, and 42 months after initial diagnosis, respectively. Two patients experienced convulsions and the other complained of diplopia. The metastatic lesions were located supratentorially with CT or MRI. Despite initial response achieved following systemic chemotherapy and external irradiation to cranial lesions, all patients died with disseminated disease. In patients with intracranial involvement of Hodgkin's disease, prolonged disease-free survival may be achieved by combined modality treatment.
Keywords:intracranial Hodgkin's disease  prognosis  treatment
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