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Mutation and downregulation of the transforming growth factor beta type II receptor gene in primary squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck
Authors:Wang, D   Song, H   Evans, JA   Lang, JC   Schuller, DE   Weghorst, CM
Affiliation:Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, College of Medicine and Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210-1240, USA.
Abstract:In the present study, we analyzed 28 squamous cell carcinomas of the headand neck (SCCHN) for mutations in the coding region of TbetaR-II using'Cold' SSCP and automatic DNA sequencing analyses. Twenty-one percent(6/28) of the SCCHN examined contained TbetaR-II mutations compared withpatient-matched normal tissues. These alterations included five missensemutations (A:T-->G:C transitions in codons 250, 401, 448 and 488, and aG:C-->T:A transversion in codon 373), and a 38- bp deletion betweennucleotides 1825 to 1862. In addition to these code- altering mutations,one case exhibited a silent mutation (A:T-->G:C transition in codon 451)and three cases contained one of two potential population polymorphisms(codons 354 and 389). In contrast to colon and gastric cancers exhibitingmicrosatellite instability (MI) or replication errors (RER+), no 'indirect'frameshift mutations were identified within a 10-bp polyadenine repeatpresent in the TbetaR-II coding sequence. All of the mutations in thepresent study occurred within the highly conserved serine/threonine kinasedomain and represent the first report of such 'direct' TbetaR-II mutationsin primary human tumors. In addition, we analyzed a subset of SCCHN andcorresponding normal samples for TbetaR-II mRNA expression using semi-quantitative multiplex RT-PCR. Expression of TbetaR-II was decreased by 24%to 74% in 20 of 23 SCCHN (87%) compared with patient-matched normaltissues. Taken together, the results from this study suggest thatalterations in the nucleic acid sequence and mRNA expression of TbetaR- IIare prevalent events in the development of SCCHN, which may deregulate cellcycle control.
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