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Serological survey of human immunodeficiency virus infection in Ethiopia
Authors:E Tsega  B Mengesha  E Nordenfelt  B G Hansson  J Lindberg
Abstract:A serological survey was conducted on 1754 people in various parts of Ethiopia from 1982-1987, with no HIV positive findings until 1984. The problem of Aids reached epidemic proportion in North America and Central Africa in the early 1980s. The reasons for delayed appearance and the source of HIV infection in Ethiopia are not clear. There were 4 groups of subjects tested. The 1st from 1982-83 consisted of 500 patients: 100 each from Asmara, Harar, Addis Ababa, Yirga Alem, and Nekemte; the 2nd in 1983 consisted of 459 volunteer blood donors in Addis Ababa; the 3rd in 1984 consisted of 167 patients with Bell's palsy, and 100 others; the 4th from 1985-87 consisted of 528 patients of the liver clinic of Tikur Anbessa Hospital. The 1st 2 HIV positive sera appeared in group 3 during 1984, and since then 13 patients examined for liver and gastrointestinal conditions were found to be positive. It may be speculated that the new and delayed introduction of HIV infection into Ethiopia is part of the transcontinental spread, caused by migration of refugees, frequent visits to existing harbors by sailors, and the influx of many international organizations to Addis Ababa where prostitution is common. Considering the high prevalence of HIV infection among prostitutes, promiscuity might be the major mode of transmission in this population. The multiple use of inadequately sterilized hypodermics and blood transfusions without screening also contribute to the spread of HIV infection.
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