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Autoantibodies to human melanocyte-specific protein Pmel17 in the sera of vitiligo patients: a sensitive and quantitative radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Abstract:Lethally irradiated LEW rats reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow and given CsA for a 4-week period develop a graft-versus-host-like disease upon withdrawal of CsA. This T cell-mediated autoimmune disease is referred to as CsA-induced autoimmunity (CsA-AI). CsA-AI-susceptible LEW rats and resistant BN rats differ greatly in the composition of their peripheral T cell compartment. To dissect the role of MHC and non-MHC genes in the development of peripheral T cell subsets in combination with susceptibility to CsA-AI the respective MHC congenic strains (LEW-1N and BN-1L) were examined for their T cell subsets and for their ability to develop CsA-AI. In this study we show that the Th1/Th2-like cell ratio as well as susceptibility to CsA-AI are under control of the non-MHC genes. This suggests that the Th1/Th2-like cell ratio is a critical determinant for development of CsA-AI. Alternatively, resistance can be attributed to lack of target organ susceptibility due to the absence of the target autoantigen in resistant rat strains. This interpretation is rejected, since both BN as well as BN-1L rats consistently develop the characteristic macroscopic and microscopic signs of CsA-AI upon adoptive transfer with autoreactive LEW-1N and LEW T cells, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the non-MHC genes encode for immune deviation and thereby determine susceptibility or resistance to CsA-AI.
Keywords:T cells  rat  cyclosporin A  non-MHC
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