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Processing of olfactory information at three neuronal levels in the spiny lobster
Authors:Charles D. Derby   Kathryn A. Hamilton  Barry W. Ache
Abstract:Odor quality coding was analyzed at three neuronal levels, receptor cell and two levels of chemosensory interneurons, in the olfactory system of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Responses to three of the most stimulatory compounds for this animal—taurine, glutamate and betaine—were recorded at each level in order to compare basic neuronal response properties, single cell and population response spectra, and across-neuron patterns. Mean response specificity increased for cells at each successive neuronal level. The increase in breadth of tuning between receptor cells and low-order interneurons was paralleled by an increase in interstimulus across-neuron correlations. However, in high-order interneuronns, there was relative decline in across-neuron correlations, indicating that the more broadly-tuned high-order interneurons are better able to discriminate between any two compounds than are the more narrowly-tuned low-order interneurons. Although stimulus quality appears to be coded by interneurons as an across-fiber pattern, the fact that some low-order and high-order interneurons retained the narrow specificity of receptor cells suggests that labeled lines may have an important funtion in coding throughout the olfactory pathway of thespiny lobster.
Keywords:olfaction   odor quality coding   lobster   electrophysiology   receptor cells   interneurons   chemoreception
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