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引用本文:余苑婷. 173例双胎妊娠的妊娠结局[J]. 中国临床实用医学, 2007, 1(6)
摘    要:目的对双胎妊娠合并症积极防治,降低围产儿死亡率,提高产科质量。方法选择173例双胎妊娠,从双胎妊娠孕妇的一般情况,合并症,分娩情况,新生儿预后做回顾性的分析探讨。结果进行系统产前检查109例,发生早产11例,占10.9%;围产儿死亡4例,占3.6%;未进行系统产前检查64例,发生早产42例,占21.3%;围产儿死亡6例,占9.3%,孕妇合并症以早产、妊娠高血压疾病、胎膜早破、产前或产后贫血占的比例较多,其余的如妊娠期糖耐量异常、前置胎盘、羊水过多、胎盘早剥等占的例数差异不大。常见的剖宫产指征为重度妊娠高血压疾病、胎位异常、胎儿窘迫或产程停滞、前置胎盘等,新生儿合并症中,硬肿症、高胆红素血症发生率较高。结论做到早期诊断,加强双胎妊娠的孕期保健及产期的处理,防治各种并发症至关重要,建议对先露异常者,大胆地使用剖宫产,适当放宽双胎中有一胎方位异常的剖宫产者,监测双胎儿的生长发育,对双胎输血综合症的处理。

关 键 词:双胎  妊娠结局

Results of 173 cases of twin pregancy
YU Yuan-ting. Results of 173 cases of twin pregancy[J]. China Clinical Practical Medicine, 2007, 1(6)
Authors:YU Yuan-ting
Abstract:Objective For the purpose of prevengting twin pregnancy complicantions actively,reducing the death rate of perinatal mortality,and improving obstetric.Methods According to the 173 cases selected,the author conducts analysis of review on the general situation,complication,delivery,newborn prognosis of those twin pregnant women.Results Among the 109 cases tested systematically before labouring,11 cases of premature birth,accounting for 10.9%.4 cases of preinatal death,accounting for 3.6%.And among the 64 cases without coherent test before labouring,42 cases of premature birth,accounting for 21.3%,6 cases of perinatal death,accounting for 9.3%.Pregnant women with premature complications,Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy,premature rupture of membranes,prenatal or postpartum anemia account for the larger proportion of the remaining glucose intolerance during pregnancy such as abnormal placenta previa,polihydramnios,abruptio placentae,the number of each of which makes up little difference.Common cesarean section with severe pregnancy-induced hypertention disease abnormal fetal position.Fetal distress or birth process of stagnation,or placenta previa.In neonatal complications,scleroderma and hyperbilirubinemia get higher incidence.Conclusion With early diagnosis,strengthen twin pregnancy prenatal health care and maternity management.Prevention to various complications is vital and the proposed first revealing abnormal symptoms had better get cesarean section boldly and make the twin with abnormal fetal position get an appropriate relaxation.And fetal growth and development should be monitored,also the twin transfusion should be given a right trearment.
Keywords:Twin  Pregnancy results
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