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Clinical studies of asthma phenotypes focusing on the role of leukotrienes
Authors:P  r Gyllfors
Affiliation:Pär Gyllfors
Abstract:Introduction: Inflammation in the airways in connection to asthma is complex and the mechanisms underlying the associated clinical symptoms involve the interaction of many different kinds of cells and mediators, giving rise to different phenotypes. Objective: The objective of the present thesis was to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms that result in two of these phenotypes, i.e. aspirin‐intolerant asthma (AIA) and allergic asthma. The main focus was on leukotrienes. Materials and Methods: (i) Thirty‐three subjects with diagnosed AIA were challenged with celecoxib, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX)‐2. (ii) With the ultimate objective of finding a marker that could be used to identify patients with leukotriene‐associated asthma, the capacity to produce leukotrienes and the responsiveness to inhaled leukotrienes were determined in 20 subjects with mild asthma and in 10 healthy control individuals. (iii) Eight individuals with mild allergic asthma were challenged repeatedly with low doses of allergen in an experimental model aimed at mimicking the natural exposure to allergen. Exhaled nitric oxide was measured throughout the study. (iv) Thirteen patients with allergic asthma were subjected to bronchial challenges with methacholine and leukotriene D4 (LTD4) prior to and after administration of 500‐µg fluticasone twice daily for 2 weeks, and their levels of exhaled nitric oxide and urinary leukotriene E4 (LTE4) were determined. Results: (i) Both escalating doses from 5–100 mg (administered in a blinded, placebo‐controlled study) and an open‐label challenge with 200 + 200 mg celecoxib were tolerated well by AIA individuals. (ii) Neither group exhibited a correlation between the formation of leukotriene B4 by their whole blood in response to ex vivo stimulation or urinary levels of LTE4 and airway responsiveness to LTD4. (iii) The level of nitric oxide in the air that they exhaled rose significantly. At the same time, these subjects did not report any symptoms of asthma, did not require rescue by bronchodilator medication, and did not display any change in the calibre of their airways. (iv) Inhalation of glucocorticoid attenuated the responsiveness to methacholine and reduced the level of exhaled nitric oxide, but neither the responsiveness to LTD4 nor urinary excretion of LTE4 was affected. Conclusions: (i) This finding indicates that the intolerance reaction leading to broncho‐constriction in patients with AIA is caused by inhibition of COX‐1 and, furthermore, provides a scientific basis for administration of selective inhibitors of COX‐2 to alleviate prostaglandin‐mediated pain and inflammation in these patients. (ii) In further attempts to predict which asthmatic patients will respond well to anti‐leukotriene treatment, investigations on the capacity for leukotriene synthesis, responsiveness to these agents and expression of their specific receptors in the lungs are being performed. (iii) Monitoring of exhaled nitric oxide on a daily basis may allow for early detection of exacerbation in subjects with allergic asthma. (iv) Neither the release nor the actions of leukotrienes appear to be sensitive to inhaled glucocorticoids, strengthening the rationale for using a combination of glucocorticosteroids and anti‐leukotrienes to treat allergic asthma.
Keywords:aspirin intolerance  asthma  exhaled nitric oxide  leukotriene D4 responsiveness  leukotrienes  methacholine responsiveness
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