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Detection of Gold Particles in the Neck Skin After Lightning Stroke with Evaporation of an Ornamental Chain
Authors:Ludwig Jonas  Gerhard Fulda  Horst Nizze  Regina Zimmermann  Gerd Gross  Fred Zack
Affiliation:1. Department of Pathology, Electron Microscopic Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany;2. Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany;3. Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Abstract:A German couple was struck by lightning. Both patients survived this event. Whereas the husband was unconscious for only a few minutes, his wife fell into coma for 24 h. The lightning stroke entered the body of the woman behind the left ear and left it at the left shoe. The stroke caused a partial evaporation of a gold ornamental chain on the neck, resulting in a tattoo of the neck skin. A biopsy of the skin 6 months after the event showed the accumulation of gold particles of different size in the dermis down to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In semithin sections, histiocytes, multinucleated foreign giant cells, and fibroblasts were visible with uptaken metallic particles. In transmission electron microscopy, gold globules of up to 30 µm in diameter were visible outside the cells in the collageneous matrix of the connective tissue besides smaller metallic particles up to 5 nm inside lysosomes and residual bodies of phagocytic cells. Four different kinds of gold particles could be differentiated: globules, granular irregular particles, tubules, and tanglelike tracks. In scanning electron microscopy, gold particles were demonstrated by backscatter detection in the connective tissue of subcutis, where the EDX elemental analysis showed strong signals of aurum (Au), copper (Cu), and argentum (Ag). The detected metals were quantified by AAS as 70% gold, 21% silver, and 9% copper, which demonstrates the composition of gold alloy of the neck chain of the patient. Tanglelike tracks and elongated gold deposits represent crystals of gold salts, as detected by electron diffraction and polarization microscopy. Attempts to remove the gold particles from the skin to remove the tattoo should not be undertaken because the gold is deep and widespread.
Keywords:Electron Microscopy  Elemental Analysis  Gold  Human Skin  Lightning Stroke  Tattoo
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