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Reelin immunoreactivity in the adult sea lamprey brain
Authors:Pérez-Costas Emma  Meléndez-Ferro Miguel  Pérez-García Carlos G  Caruncho Héctor J  Rodicio María Celina
Affiliation:Departamento de Biología Celular y Ecología, Area de Biología Celular, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela 15782, Spain.
Abstract:The expression of reelin, a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein, was studied in the brain of pre-spawning adult sea lampreys by immunohistochemistry using two monoclonal antibodies against this protein. Reelin immunoreactive (reln-ir) neurons were observed in the olfactory bulb, and pallial and subpallial regions in the telencephalon. In the diencephalon, reln-ir cells were observed in some hypothalamic nuclei, in the nucleus of Bellonci, and in the habenula. In the mesencephalon, this protein was detected in several nuclei related with the centrifugal visual system, although the optic tectum was devoid of immunoreactivity. The hindbrain showed several nuclei with immunopositive neurons, including the branchiomeric nerve motor nuclei and also some groups of non-giant cells of the reticular formation. The rostral spinal cord showed some immunopositive neurons mainly located in lateral and ventral positions. Overall, the pattern of distribution of reelin in the adult sea lamprey correlates with the previously reported in other adult vertebrates. Furthermore, the wide distribution of reelin in the adult lamprey brain is consistent with a possible existence of different roles for this protein not related with development in the central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates (i.e. neuronal plasticity and/or maintenance).
Keywords:Author Keywords: Agnathans   Extracellular matrix proteins   Neuronal plasticity   Cytoskeleton maintenance
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