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作者姓名:王泽民  张士怀
作者单位:[1]中国中医研究院望京医院,北京100102 [2]北京市朝阳区结核病防治所
摘    要:孙一民教授临证 50余载 ,学验俱丰 ,应用下法治疗急腹症、痛症疗效显著。兹将其应用下法经验简介如下。下法是中医治疗疾病的八法之一。下法是以泻下或润下的药物来通导大便 ,消除积滞 ,荡涤实热 ,攻逐水饮的一种治疗方法。下法始见于《黄帝内经》 ,形成于仲景 ,发挥于从正。《素问·阴阳应象大论》说 :“其下者 ,引而竭之 ;中满者 ,泻之于内 ,……其实者 ,散而泻之。到东汉末年 ,张仲景有关下法的论述已较为具体 ,他提出了阳明急下与少阴急下等。至金元时期 ,张从正丰富了下法的内容。他指出 ,下法能使陈积去而肠胃洁 ,症瘕尽而荣卫昌 ,不…

关 键 词:临床应用  中医治疗  急腹症  痛症

Some experience of precipitation treatment
Abstract:Precipitation is quite effective in the treatment of acute diseases,painful disorders,such as acute abdomen,cholecystitis,urolithiasis,neurovascular headaches,etc.For the acute abdomen with severe fu\|organ syndrome Dahuang (Rhei Rhizoma)and Yuan ming fen(Mirabilitun Depuratum)are used as the main ingredients prescribed.when the evil repletion is mild or in weak patients Trichosanthis Fruetus and Mirabilitum Rhizoma are used as main ingredients,and some medicine regulating qi are used to make it even effective.
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