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Developmental localization of GAP-43 and olfactory marker protein in rat olfactory bulb transplants
Authors:Jon N. Kott  Lesnick E. Westrum

*Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA

Departments of Neurological Surgery, Biological Structure, Restorative Dentistry and Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA

Abstract:In an effort to identify and understand the laminar disorganization that occurs in the transplanted (TX) rat olfactory bulb (OB), we examined the development of fiber systems within these TX OBs. One antibody for olfactory marker protein (OMP) was used to identify axons of mature olfactory receptor neurons (ONs) and a second antibody, for a growth-associated protein (GAP-43), provided a marker for all extending or immature fibers. Donor OBs were taken from fetuses on embryonic days 14 or 15 (sperm-positive day is zero) and TX directly into the cavity produced by removal of an OB in 1-day-old hosts of the same strain. After survival times of I and 2 weeks and at maturity, adjacent 8 pm paraffin sections from the TX material were examined for OMP and GAP-43 reactivity.

Fiber bundles, reactive for OMP, were found within the TX by 1 week post-TX, indicating rapid reinnervation of the donor OB by ONs. The appearance of OMP reactivity gradually shifted from tightly packed, well-defined fiber bundles at 1 week post-TX to a diffuse reticulated pattern of individual fibers emerging from bundles at maturity. The OMP-reactive fiber bundles of the TX OB also contained GAP-43-reactive fibers, but GAP-43 reactivity also extended to other (OMP-negative) bundles and fields. Reactivity for GAP-43 in the TX OB was nearly ubiquitous at 2 weeks post-TX but, as development progressed (in both the TX and normal OB), such reactivity gradually decreased. Thus, while maturation in sensory afferent fiber systems in the TX OB may be delayed, it eventually follows a pattern similar to that in the normal OB, suggesting that factors other than the timing of fiber extension may be responsible for the laminar disorganization of the TX OB.

Keywords:transplant   graft   olfactory marker protein   GAP-43   development   olfactory bulb   immunocytochemistry
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