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Therapeutic potential of AIF-mediated caspase-independent programmed cell death
Authors:Hans K. Lorenzo  Santos A. Susin  
Affiliation:aINSERM U542, Institut André Lwoff, Lavoisier Building, 94803 Villejuif, France;bApoptose et Système Immunitaire, CNRS-URA 1961, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Abstract:Resistance to anticancer drugs is often related to deficient cell death execution pathways in cancer cells. Apoptosis, which denotes a form of cell death executed by caspases, was traditionally considered as the only physiological and programmed form of cell death. However, recent evidence indicates that programmed cell death (PCD) can occur in complete absence of caspase activation. Indeed, a large number of caspase-independent models are now defined and a key protein implicated in this type of PCD, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), has been identified. AIF is a mitochondrial protein with two faces looking in opposite life/death directions. Recently, the identification of five different isoforms allowed a better characterization of AIFs life/mitochondrial versus death/nuclear functions, as well as definition of its pro-apoptotic region and some of its nuclear partners. Importantly, much work on caspase-independent PCD has revealed that AIF participates in more PCD systems than initially thought. A wider molecular knowledge of AIF, and of the caspase-independent PCDs in which it is involved, are key to provide new insights into the role of PCD. There is no doubt that these insights will lead to the development of more selective and efficient drugs against cancer, degenerative diseases, and other pathological disorders implicating AIF.
Keywords:AIF   Apoptosis   Cancer therapy   Calpains   Cathepsins   Degenerative diseases   DNA damage   Ischemia   Mitochondria   PARP-1   ROS
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