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引用本文:王英,张永泽,杨运义,高保兴,张平贵,乔晓春,聂小勇,何景琳,许华,曾毅. 农村地区反对歧视艾滋病病毒感染者和患者干预活动效果评价[J]. 中国艾滋病性病, 2002, 8(6): 343-345
作者姓名:王英  张永泽  杨运义  高保兴  张平贵  乔晓春  聂小勇  何景琳  许华  曾毅
作者单位:1. 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所,北京,100052
2. 山西省夏县卫生防疫站
3. 山西省疾病预防控制中心
4. 联合国儿童基金会驻华代表处
5. 中国预防性病艾滋病基金会
6. 中国疾病预防控制中心病毒病预防控制所,北京,100052;中国预防性病艾滋病基金会
摘    要:目的 采取干预手段转变农村居民对艾滋病病毒 (HIV)感染者和患者 (PLWHAs)歧视态度。 方法  实施多种形式干预比较干预前后的效果。 结果 干预前 50 %的村民不知道HIV的三种传播途径 ,65 %~ 79%不了解非传播途径 ,仅 6 %答对所有问题。面对面访谈发现 ,村民对PLWHAs的歧视态度并不严重 ,可能与实际情况不一致。干预后三种传播途径的正确回答率上升为 81 % ,非传播途径的正确回答率从 1 2 %上升为 45 % ,所有问题均正确回答的上升为 35 %。持各项歧视态度的比例下降 ,持同情帮助的比例上升。Logistic分析提示 ,干预活动对持同情、帮助态度的作用大于文化程度和年龄。 结论  反对歧视PLWHAs活动应从宣传艾滋病预防知识入手 ,在此基础上开展更为细致的反歧视工作

关 键 词:艾滋病病毒感染者和患者  反歧视  干预活动  基线评估调查

Evaluation of the Work for Non-discrimination Against People Living with HIV and AIDS(PLWHAs)in Rural Areas
Wang Ying,Zhang Yongze,Yang Yunyi et al Center for Prevention and Control of Virus Disease of China CDC,Beijing ,P R China. Evaluation of the Work for Non-discrimination Against People Living with HIV and AIDS(PLWHAs)in Rural Areas[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Aids & STD, 2002, 8(6): 343-345
Authors:Wang Ying  Zhang Yongze  Yang Yunyi et al Center for Prevention  Control of Virus Disease of China CDC  Beijing   P R China
Affiliation:Wang Ying,Zhang Yongze,Yang Yunyi et al Center for Prevention and Control of Virus Disease of China CDC,Beijing 100052,P R China
Abstract:Objective To change discrimination attitude toward PLWAHs by intervention Method To implement multiple forms of intervention and show the successful results based on baseline and evaluation surveys Results Before intervention,50% of interviewees had noidea know about the three routes of HIV transmission,65%-79% of them were not informed about the routes of non-transmission,and only 6% answered the above questions correctly Discrimination attitude was not serious from the face to face interview which might differ from the real situation After intervention,correct answer for the routes of transmission went up from 41% to 81%,routes of non-transmission from 12% to 45% Correct answers for all questions rose to 35% All discrimination attitudes went down and attitudes of sympathy and help increased Logistic analysis indicated that interventions played a greater role in creating sympathy and help attitude than education level and age Conclusion The first anti-discrimination intervention should target on the HIV/AIDS information,ard then more detailed work can be carried out
Keywords:PLWHAs Against discrimination Intervention Baseline and Evaluation Survey  
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