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引用本文:全国地方性氟中毒监测组. 2005年全国燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒重点监测总结[J]. 中国地方病学杂志, 2008, 27(5)
作者单位:The Center for Endemic Disease Control,Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention,Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150081,China 
摘    要:目的 掌握2005年全国燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)防治措施落实进度、防治效果及病情变化动态,为制订燃煤污染型地氟病防治策略提供科学依据.方法 按全国地氟病监测方案规定的方法和要求进行监测,监测范围覆盖全国8个燃煤污染型地氟病病区省份的8个病区县、13个病区村.调查监测县降氟改炉改灶措施落实进度、降氟炉灶使用情况;采集监测点居民户主要食物,酸浸-电极法测定含氟量;采集8~12周岁儿童尿样.离子选择电极法测定含氟量;以Dean法诊断8~12周岁儿童氟斑牙患病情况.结果 ①2005年全国监测县新改降氟炉灶158 356个,占应改炉灶的18.95%,累计改炉改灶率达43.32%(362 088/835 869),降氟炉灶合格率为92.54%(1688/1824);②监测点玉米、辣椒含氟量普遍超过国家标准(≤1.5 mg/kg),玉米最高含氟量均值超过国家标准14倍,辣椒最高含氟量均值超过国家标准94倍;③儿童氟斑牙检出率≤30%的监测点有3个,>30%~60%的有4个,>60%~80%的有1个,>80%的有5个;儿童尿氟几何均数≤1.4 mr/L的监测点有7个,>1.4mg/L的有6个.结论 2005年全国燃煤污染型地氟病监测县防治措施落实进度有较大增长,但部分病区监测点玉米、辣椒氟污染依然严重,部分病区氟中毒病情仍未得到有效控制.

关 键 词:地方病  氟化物中毒    监测

Report on the surveillance of coal-burning type endemic fluorosis in China in 2005
Collaberation Group of National Endemic Fluorosis Surveillance. Report on the surveillance of coal-burning type endemic fluorosis in China in 2005[J]. Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology, 2008, 27(5)
Authors:Collaberation Group of National Endemic Fluorosis Surveillance
Abstract:Objective To know the fulfillment and effects of control meagures and dynamic preVMence ot coal-buming endemic fluorosis in China in 2005,to pmvide basis and technique Bupport for endemic fhorosis control in China.Metllods The survey was carried out according to The National Survey Scheme of Endemic Fluomsis, covering 13 villages,8 counties of 8 provinces having coal-burning endemic fluorosis.Fhoride content in main food and urine was deterlnined with iron 8elective electrode method,and dental fluorosis of 8-12 years old children was diagnosed with Dean method.Results ①A total of 1 58 356 new stoves were installed in 2005,and the rate of impmved stoves increased by 18.95%,reaching 43.3%(362 088/835 869).The general rate of qualified gtoves was 92.54%(1688/1824).②nuoride content in corns and chilli exceeded the state standard generally,and the highest (mean)in corns exceeded the state standard nearly by 14 times,while the highest(mean)in chilli exceeded the standard by 94 times.③Detectable rate of dental fluorosis in children was below or equal 30%in 3 surveillance spots, more than 30% and less than 60%in 4 surveillance spots,morethan 60%andlessthan 80%in a surveillance spots,and more than 80%in 5 surveiuance spots.Urine fluoride content(geometric mean)were below or equal 1.4 ms/L in 7 surveillance spots,and more than l.4 mg/L in 6 surveillanee spots.Conclusions Prngress of control mea8ure$in coal- buming countie8 Burveyed was made greatly in 2005,but corns and chilli in some survey spots were still polluted by fluoride seriously.PrevaJence of endemic fluorosis in some coal-burning areas is not controlled effectively.
Keywords:Endemic disease  Fluoride poisoning  Coal  Surveillance
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