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Effect of dietary butylated hydroxyanisole on the mouse hepatic monooxygenase system of nuclear and microsomal fractions
Authors:Hennig, Ewa E.   Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, Krzysztof K.   Sawicki, Jozef T.   Mojska, Hanna   Kujawa, Marek
Affiliation:Medical Academy, Department of Environmental Health Sciences 02-097 Warsaw, ul. Banacha 1 Poland
1Medical Academy, Electron Microscopy Laboratory 02-004 Warsaw, ul. Chalubi"n"skiego 5, Poland
Abstract:The effect of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) administrationon the hepatic monooxygenase system of nuclear and microsomalfraction was investigated in male mice. Addition of BHA to thediet significantly lowered the content of cytochrome P-450 inliver nuclei and increased the specific activity of NADPH-cytochromec reductase and the content of cytochrome b5 in liver microsomes.Incubation of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) with liver nuclei from BHA-fedmice resulted in inhibition of binding of BP metabolites tonuclear macromolecules by 50% compared with control. However,there was no effect of BHA on the binding of BP metabolitesto macromolecules when BP was incubated with added DNA and livermicrosomes from BHA-fed mice. It has been postulated that modificationof nuclear monooxygenases by BHA may play a role in the inhibitoryeffect of BHA on BP carcinogenesis.
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