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引用本文:王志理. 祛瘀补气汤治疗气虚络瘀型腔隙性脑梗死临床研究[J]. 河南中医药学刊, 2012, 0(4): 461-462
摘    要:目的:探讨祛瘀补气汤治疗气虚络瘀型腔隙性脑梗死的临床疗效。方法:腔隙性脑梗死(气虚络瘀型)患者165例,采用随机数字表法,依据就诊先后顺序分为治疗组105例,对照组60例。所有患者治疗期间均给予基础治疗。对照组采用血塞通注射液400 mg加入体积分数5%葡萄糖注射液250 mL中(高血糖患者使用体积分数0.9%生理盐水250 mL)缓慢静脉滴注,每日1次。治疗组采用祛瘀补气汤(方药组成:黄芪60 g,当归15 g,赤芍15 g,川芎10 g,桃仁10 g,红花15 g,水蛭10 g,地龙10 g,石菖蒲15 g,鸡血藤30 g,杜仲15 g,牛膝15 g)治疗,每日1剂,水煎服。两组均14 d为1个疗程,2个疗程后统计疗效。结果:对照组60例,痊愈24例,显效15例,有效14例,无效7例,有效率为88.33%;治疗组105例,痊愈67例,显效25例,有效10例,无效3例,有效率为97.14%。两组有效率比较,χ2=5.205,P=0.023〈0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论:祛瘀补气汤治疗气虚络瘀型腔隙性脑梗死临床疗效显著。

关 键 词:腔隙性脑梗死  中风  中经络  气虚络瘀型  祛瘀补气汤  血塞通  桃红四物汤

Clinical Study on the Treatment of Lacunar Infarction of Qi Deficiency and Collateral Stasis Type by Quyu Buqi Decoction
Wang Zhili. Clinical Study on the Treatment of Lacunar Infarction of Qi Deficiency and Collateral Stasis Type by Quyu Buqi Decoction[J]. Journal of Henan college of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2012, 0(4): 461-462
Authors:Wang Zhili
Affiliation:Wang Zhili Affiliated Hospital of Technical Secondary School for Adult in Taikang,Taiking,Henan,China 461400
Abstract:Objective:To discuss the clinical effects of Quyu Buqi Decoction on the treatment of lacunar infarction of qi deficiency and collateral stasis type.Methods:165 patients of lacunar infarction(with the type of qi deficiency and collateral stasis) were divided into the treatment group(105 cases) and the control group(60 cases) by the method of random number table according to the sequence of treatment.All patients were given basic treatment during treatment.Patients in the control group were treated by slow intravenous drip of Xueshuantong injection plus 250 mL of 5% of GS(replaced by 250 mL of NS for patients of hyperglycemia),once a day.Patients in the treatment group were treated by Quyu Buqi Decoction(Recipe components:Astragalus 60 g,Angelica 15 g,red peony root 15 g,hemlock parsley 10 g,walnuts 10 g,safflower 15g,the leech 10 g,earthworm 10 g,the iris 15 g,the Millettia 30 g,the eucommia 15 g,Achyranthes 15 g) for resolving stasis and tonifying qi,one dosage a day.Therapeutic effects of both groups were analyzed after two courses of treatment with a course of 14 days.Results:In the control group(60 cases),24 cases were cured,15 achieved excellent effects,14 were effective,7 were ineffective and the effective rate was 88.33%;in the treatment group(105 cases),67 cases were cured,25 achieved excellent effects,10 were effective,3 were ineffective and the effective rate was 97.14%;Comparison of the total effective rate between both groups showed χ2=5.073 and P=0.023 and the difference had statistic significance.Conclusion:Quyu Buqi Decoction has satisfactory clinical effects on the treatment of lacunar infarction of qi deficiency and collaterals stasis type.
Keywords:lacunar infarction  stroke  apoplexy involving the meridians and collaterals  qi deficiency and collaterals stasis type  quyu buqi decoction  xuesaitong injection  taohong siwu decoction
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