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Cervical Reflex Induced by Click Stimuli in Cats
Abstract:We studied click-evoked potentials in the anterior horn of the spinal cord in 17 cats. A concentric needle electrode was inserted into the anterior horn of the spinal cord at levels C3-C6. Potentials evoked with 105 dB SPL clicks were recorded with a peak latency of 4.89-5.10 ms only at the C3 level. These responses were observed 45-60 dB SPL above the auditory brainstem response (ABR) threshold, and no potentials were evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear. Average was performed 100 times with changes in stimulation frequency of 1-20 Hz. The amplitude of the potentials decreased with increasing stimulus frequency, but there were no changes in ABRs. The responses disappeared after destruction of the medial vestibulospinal tract at the obex level, but ABRs were still recorded. The spinal nucleus of the accessory nerves was located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord at levels C1-C6, and the sternocleidomastoid muscle motoneurons were found at levels C1-C3. The click-evoked potentials recorded in this study reflect responses of the spinal nucleus of accessory nerves through the vestibulospinal tract to click stimulation. The responses have the same characteristics as vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials that can be recorded using surface electrodes over the sternocleidomastoid muscles of humans.
Keywords:Click  Stimuli  Evoked  Potential  Spinal  Nucleus  Accessory  Nerves  Vestibular  Evoked  Myogenic  Potentials  Vestibulospinal  Tract
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