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Novel criterion for the differential diagnosis of wide QRS complexes and wide complex tachycardia using the initial activation of QRS on leads V1 and V2: Differential diagnosis of wide QRS based on V1-V2
Authors:Imane El Hajjaji  Giuliano Becker  Teresa Kus  Alain Vinet  Artur Berkovitz  Marcio Sturmer
Affiliation:1. Cardiology Department, Hôpital du Sacré-C?ur de Montréal, Université de Montréal, Canada;2. Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Institut de Génie Biomédical, Université de Montréal and Centre de Recherche de l''Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Canada


Many diagnostic criteria for the differential diagnosis of wide complex tachycardia (WCT) are complex and not completely accurate. Incorrect diagnosis is also related to error in applying criteria.


To propose a novel reliable criterion for wide QRS complexes' differential diagnosis.

Material and methods

One hundred Electrocardiograms (ECGs) with wide QRS complexes were analyzed using the ECG software. Five variables were measured during the first 20?ms of QRS in leads V1 and V2 and compared between premature ventricular contraction (PVC) and conducted supraventricular impulse with bundle branch block (BBB) groups. The best discriminant variable was identified. The validity of this variable was tested on a group of 20 patients who had WCT during an electrophysiology study.


Almost all variables were statistically different between PVC and BBB groups. The sum of voltages in absolute value of vectors during the initial 20?ms of the QRS in leads V1 and V2 (ΣV1?+?V2) was the most discriminant between the two groups (131?±?85 microvolt [μV] vs. 498?±?392?μV, p?


The ΣV1?+?V2?
Keywords:BBB  bundle brunch block  dV  the delta voltage  dV1  the delta voltage in lead V1  dV2  the delta voltage in lead V2  ECG  electrocardiogram  EPS  electrophysiology study  fV  the voltage of the first vector  fV1  the voltage of the first vector in lead V1  fV2  the voltage of the first vector in lead V2  LBBB  left bundle branch block  LFB  left fascicular block  ms  milliseconds  mV  millivolt  μV  microvolt  PSVC  premature supraventricular contraction  PVC  premature ventricular contraction  RBBB  right bundle branch block  ROC  receiver operating characteristic  SR  sinus rhythm  ΣV  the sum of the voltages in absolute value of all vectors  ΣV1  the sum of the voltages in absolute value of all vectors in lead V1  ΣV2  the sum of the voltages in absolute value of all vectors in lead V2  ΣV1?+?V2  the sum of the values of the sum of the voltages in absolute value of all vectors obtained in both leads V1 and V2  tV  the time duration in milliseconds of the first vector  tV1  the time duration in milliseconds of the first vector in lead V1  tV2  the time duration in milliseconds of the first vector in lead V2  WCT  wide complex tachycardia  Wide QRS  Wide complex tachycardia  Differential diagnosis
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