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引用本文:于宝成,王玉敏,田京利,王成章,欧阳荔莎,王雪丽,姚艳芳,齐丽娟,潘志刚,魏士贤,高义,司娅,赵惠英,刘淑芳,崔欣,李红宇. 军队干体所老年人轻度认知功能损害的患病率调查[J]. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2003, 7(3): 496-497
作者姓名:于宝成  王玉敏  田京利  王成章  欧阳荔莎  王雪丽  姚艳芳  齐丽娟  潘志刚  魏士贤  高义  司娅  赵惠英  刘淑芳  崔欣  李红宇
作者单位:Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA,Department of Geriatric Neurology,Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na,Shiji-azhuang 050082,Hebei Province,Chi na
摘    要:INTRODUCTIONMildcognitiveimpairment(MCI)isconsideredtobeatransitionalstagebetweenagingandAlzheimerdisease(AD),whichisanewfocusinclinicalresearchofAD犤1-8犦.MCIisbelievedtobeahigh-riskconditionforthedevelopmentofADandhasbeenproposedasanosologicalentity犤3-8犦.However,theepidemiologyofMCIisnotwellknowninChina.ThisstudywasdesignedtodeterminetheprevalenceofMCIinanelderlypopulation.MATERIALSANDMETHODSMaterialsAlltheveteranssanatoriumsinShijiazhuangcitywereinves…

Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment: a population-based study in elderly veterans
Yu Baocheng,Wang Yumin,Tian Jingli,Wang Chengzhang,Ouyang Lisha,Wang Xueli,Yao Yanfang,Qi Lijuan,Pan Zhigang,Wei Shixian,Gao Yi,Si Ya,Zhao Huiying,Liu Shufang,Cui Xin,Li Hongyu Huiying,Liu Shufang,Cui Xin,Li Hongyu. Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment: a population-based study in elderly veterans[J]. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, 2003, 7(3): 496-497
Authors:Yu Baocheng  Wang Yumin  Tian Jingli  Wang Chengzhang  Ouyang Lisha  Wang Xueli  Yao Yanfang  Qi Lijuan  Pan Zhigang  Wei Shixian  Gao Yi  Si Ya  Zhao Huiying  Liu Shufang  Cui Xin  Li Hongyu Huiying  Liu Shufang  Cui Xin  Li Hongyu
Affiliation:Department of Geriatric Neurolngy, Bethune International Peace Hospital of PLA, Shijiazhuang 050082, Hebei Province, China
Abstract:AIM:To explore the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI )among elderly veterans.METHODS:2674veterans(aged 60years and over)from26military sanatorium in Shijiazhuang city were evaluated.The Mini-Me ntal State Examination,Global Deterioration Scale,Activity of Daily Livin g,Hachinski Ischemic Scale and Hamilt on Depression Scale were served as screening tools.RESULTS:The prevalence of total MCI was 8.08%among elderly people.The standardized pr evalence of MCI was 6.87%in male and10.38%in female(P<0.01).The prevalence of MCI tended to increased with aging(P<0.01)and decreased with the elevated degree of education(P<0.05).CONCLUSION:The prevalence of MCI among elderly v et-erans is lower than that in European a nd American countries.It should in-tensive to monitor the MCI subjects w hich a high risk Alzheimer disease people.The interventionist treatm ent for MCI should be turn into the sec ond prevention of the Alzheimer disease.
Keywords:SUBJECT WORDS:cognition disorders /epidemiology  prevalence  aged  
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