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The radiation dose-response relationship in a human glioma xenograft and an evaluation of the influence of glutathione depletion by buthionine sulfoximine.
Authors:E C Halperin  D M Brizel  G Honore  M R Sontag  O W Griffith  D D Bigner  H S Friedman
Affiliation:Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710.
Abstract:We have used an extensively characterized human glioma cell line in an athymic mouse model to evaluate new therapeutic approaches for human supratentorial high grade gliomas. The tumor, D-54MG, is a subline of a human anaplastic glioma. Eight days after homozygous nu/nu BALB/c athymic mice received intracranial (IC) injections of a tumor homogenate, the whole brain was irradiated with either single fractions of 4, 8, 9, and 12 Gy or twice daily fractions, separated by least 6 hr, of 2.28 Gy x 2 or 7.53 Gy x 2. To evaluate whether or not glutathione depletion influenced animal survival, animals at each dose level received either intraperitoneal (IP) buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) alone or I.P. BSO plus BSO in the drinking water. There was a stepwise prolongation of animal survival with increasing doses of external beam radiation. Mean survival in 9 of the 10 control groups (8-12 animals per group) ranged from 14.1 to 18.8 days. Mean survival ranged from 15.3 to 22.5 days at 4 Gy, 25 to 30 days at 8 Gy, 22.3 to 29.7 days at 9 Gy, and 32.9 to 33.6 days at 12 Gy single dose irradiation. At 2.28 Gy x 2 split dose irradiation mean survival was 29.3 days, for 7.53 Gy x 2 mean survival was over 47 days. The data for single fraction irradiation fit a linear regression line (r = 0.908) of mean animal survival = (1.22 [dose in Gy] + 16.7) days. Tumor GSH levels were decreased with all BSO dosing regimens tested. The most aggressive regimen (I.P. BSO+oral BSO for 5 days), reduced tumor GSH to 6.2% of control. Increased survival in irradiated glutathione depleted mice versus mice receiving radiation alone was not seen.
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