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Concentrations of glutamate released following spinal cord injury kill oligodendrocytes in the spinal cord
Authors:Xu Guo-Ying  Hughes Michael G  Ye Zaiming  Hulsebosch Claire E  McAdoo David J
Affiliation:Department of Neurosciences and Cell Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555-1043, USA.
Abstract:We investigated in vivo in rats whether sufficient glutamate is released following spinal cord injury (SCI) to kill oligodendrocytes. Microdialysis sampling was used to establish the level of glutamate released (550 +/- 80 microM) in the white matter during SCI. This glutamate concentration was administered into the spinal cords of other rats and the densities of oligodendrocytes remaining 24 and 72 h later determined by counting cells immunostained with the oligodendrocyte marker CC-1. Administration of ACSF, 4.0 mM glutamate (estimated resulting tissue exposure 500 microM) and 10.0 mM glutamate by microdialysis reduced oligodendrocyte density 22%, 57%, and 74%, respectively, relative to normal at 24 h post-exposure. Therefore, sufficient glutamate is released following SCI to damage white matter. Oligodendrocyte densities near the fiber track were not significantly different at 72 h from 24 h post-exposure, so most glutamate-induced oligodendrocyte death occurs within 24 h after exposure. Injecting the AMPA/kainate receptor blocker NBQX into the spinal cord during glutamate administration reduced the glutamate-induced decrease in oligodendrocyte density, evidence for AMPA/kainate receptor involvement in glutamate-induced oligodendrocyte death. This work directly demonstrates in vivo that following SCI glutamate reaches concentrations toxic to white matter and that AMPA/kainate receptors mediate this glutamate toxicity to oligodendrocytes.
Keywords:AMPA/kainate receptors   Excitotoxicity   Glutamate   Microdialysis   Oligodendrocytes   Spinal cord injury
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