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Endocrinology: A comparison between a standard and reduced dose of D-Trp-6-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone administered after pituitary suppression for in-vitro fertilization
Authors:Simon, A.   Benshushan, A.   Shushan, A.   Zajicek, G.   Dorembus, D.   Lewin, A.   Laufer, N.
Affiliation:2Hubert H. Humphrey Centre for Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, Hadassah University Medical School Jerusalem, Israel In Vitro Fertilization Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hadassah University Hospital Ein Kerem Jerusalem, Israel
Abstract:A randomized prospective study was undertaken to compare lowand standard luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist (LHRHa)dosage used in combination with gonadotrophins in ovarian stimulationfor in-vitro fertilization (IVF). A total of 42 ovulatory patientswith mechanical infertility were administered 0.5 mg/day LHRHa(Decapeptyl) from day 21 of their cycles for 14 days. Followingdown-regulation, patients were randomly allocated to continuewith the same dose of LHRHa (22 patients, group A) or to receivea lower dose of 0.1 mg/day LHRHa (20 patients, group B) duringfolliculogenesis. Luteal phase was supported by daily i.m. progesterone(50 mg) injections and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG; 1500IU) every 4 days. Ovarian response, human menopausal gonadotrophin(HMG) dosage used for induction of ovulation, evidence of prematureluteinization, and clinical and laboratory IVF outcome, werecompared between groups A and B. The two groups were comparablein respect of: age (32.6 ± 0.7 and 33.0 ± 0.9years), HMG dosage (33.0 ± 1.6 and 36.0 ± 2.5ampoules), day of HCG (11.2 ± 0.3 and 12.2 ± 0.4),oocytes/patient (13.3 ± 1.0 and 12.9± 1.3), fertilizationrate (68.5 and 65.2%), cleavage rate (95% for both), pregnancy/embryotransfer (32 and 35%) and implantation rate (10.8 and 10.5%),for groups A and B respectively. There was no evidence of prematureluteinization or luteolysis in either group. It was concludedthat lowering the dose of LHRHa to 0.1 mg/day during folliculogenesishad no adverse effect on ovarian response or clinical results.However, it had no advantage in reducing the HMG dose used forovulation induction.
Keywords:Decapeptyl/D-Trp-6-LHRH/IVF/LHRH agonist
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