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Complexes of technetium-99m with tetrapeptides containing one alanyl and three glycyl moieties
Authors:Hubert P. Vanbilloen  Michel J. De Roo  Alfons M. Verbruggen
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, F.F.W., K.U. Leuven, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium;(2) Department of Nuclear Medicine, U.Z. Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Abstract:Recently, we have shown that tetrapeptides can be efficiently labelled with technetium-99m by direct labelling at alkaline pH. Tetrapeptides can be considered derivatives of mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) in which the mercaptoacetyl moiety is replaced by an amino acid residue. In view of the interesting biological properties of some C-methyl substituted derivatives of99mTc-MAG3, we have now synthesised and evaluated the complexes of99mTc with tetrapeptides containing three glycyl (G) moieties and oned- orl-alanyl (A) moiety. In mice,99mTc-l-GAGG,99mTc-d-GGAG and99mTc-l-GGAG showed a rapid and high renal excretion, comparable to that of99mTc-MAG3. Renal handling was somewhat reduced for isomersd andl of99mTc-AGGG and99mTc-d-GAGG and markedly inferior for99mTc-l-GGGA and99mTc-d-GGGA. In the baboon,99mTc-l-AGGG,99mTc-d-AGGG and99mTc-l-GAGG showed a comparable or even higher 1-h plasma clearance than99mTc-MAG3.99mTc-d-GAGG,99mTc-l-GGAG and99mTc-d-GGAG were characterised by a lower plasma clearance and the clearance of99mTc-l-GGGA and99mTc-d-GGGA was remarkably low. The three99mTc-labelled tetrapeptides with the highest plasma clearance in a baboon were compared with99mTc-MAG3 in a human volunteer.99mTc-l-AGGG and99mTc-l-GAGG had a roughly similar plasma clearance as99mTc-MAG3. The clearance of99mTc-d-AGGG was significantly lower and liver uptake was clearly visible with this compound. Left kidney renograms of99mTc-l-AGGG and99mTc-d-AGGG indicated moderate kidney accumulation. On the other hand, the renogram obtained after injection of99mTc-l-GAGG had an excellent shape and the maximum kidney concentration was slightly higher than for99mTc-MAG3. These results show the importance of the position of the methyl substituent on the99mTc-tetrapeptide with respect to its biological behaviour.
Keywords:Technetium-99m tetrapeptides  Renal tracer agent  Technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine
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