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引用本文:刘强. 根结配穴法的临床应用[J]. 河南中医药学刊, 2008, 0(2): 61-62
摘    要:根结配穴法是以《灵枢·根结第五》所提出的经脉的“根”、“结”穴做为配穴原则,而应用于临床治疗的方法。何谓“根结”?根,根本也,脉气所起为根;结,终结也,脉气所归为结。明代张介宾所著《类经》曰:“……下者为根,上者为结。”清代张志聪《黄帝内经灵枢集注》曰:“根结者,六气合六经之本标也,……根者,经气相合而始生;结者,经气相将而归。”“根结”一词出于《灵枢·根结第五》“奇邪离经,不可胜数,不知根结,五脏六腑,折关败枢,开阖而走,阴阳大失,不可复取。”这段经文意思是:邪气侵入经脉,传变多端,如果不明确经脉根结及其与脏腑内外的生理关系,就不能做到正确的治疗,导致被邪气扰乱,三阴三阳的“开”、“合”、“枢”之作用败坏,阴阳相离,精气走失,其症则不可治疗矣。

关 键 词:根结配穴法  针灸疗法  十二经络辨治

The Clinical Application of Root and Knot Point Compatibility
Liu Qiang. The Clinical Application of Root and Knot Point Compatibility[J]. Journal of Henan college of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2008, 0(2): 61-62
Authors:Liu Qiang
Affiliation:Liu Qiang(The Second People's Hospital of Kaifeng, Kaifeng, Henan, China, 475002)
Abstract:root and knot point compatibility acupuncture moxibustion therapy twelve channels and collaterals differentiation treatment
Keywords:root and knot point compatibility  acupuncture moxibustion therapy  twelve channels and collaterals differentiation treatment
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