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Co-expression of p53 and MDM2 in human atherosclerosis: implications for the regulation of cellularity of atherosclerotic lesions
Authors:Christian Ihling  Judith Haendeler  Grit Menzel  Ralf D. Hess  Gustav Fraedrich  Hans E. Schaefer  Andreas M. Zeiher
Abstract:Atherosclerosis is a fibroproliferative disease of the arterial intima. It was recently found that wild-type p53 (wt p53) accumulates in human atherosclerotic tissue. Wt p53 is a cell cycle regulator involved in DNA repair, DNA synthesis, cell differentiation, and apoptosis and might therefore make an important contribution to the cellularity of atherosclerotic plaques. The product of the MDM2 gene is a nuclear protein which forms a complex with p53, thereby inhibiting the negative regulatory effects of wt p53 on cell cycle progression. In order to address a potential role of the interaction of p53 with MDM2 for the regulation of cellularity in atherosclerotic tissue, 22 carotid atheromatous plaques from patients undergoing endarterectomy were studied to determine the presence of p53 immunoreactivity (IR), MDM2 IR, cell proliferation as evidenced by MIB1/Ki-67 IR and DNA fragmentation by in situterminal transferase-mediated dUTP 3′ end labelling (TUNEL), as a marker for apoptosis. p53 IR localized to areas with evidence of chronic inflammation (22/22) and was observed in virtually all cell types in 68·79±7·51 per cent of the nuclei. p53 staining in the control tissue from human internal mammary arteries was present in 0·2±0·29 per cent of the cells (P≤0·002). MDM2 IR was present in all cases (22/22) in macrophages and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in 60·53±8·32 per cent of the nuclei (controls: 0·8±0·65 per cent, P≤0·002) and co-localized with p53 IR as shown by examination of adjacent sections and by double immunofluorescence labelling. Importantly, co-immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis revealed that p53 and MDM2 were physically associated, indicating that MDM2–p53 complex formation takes place in vivoin human atherosclerotic tissue. Positive TUNEL staining and MIB1/Ki-67 IR present in 3·01±1·27 per cent of the nuclei (controls: 0 per cent, P≤0·002) localized to the same plaque compartments as p53 IR and MDM2 IR. Thus, the fate of cells with p53 accumulation may depend on the interaction and the stoichiometry of the p53 and MDM2 proteins. Cells were indeed found with strong p53 accumulation and nuclear morphology typical for apoptosis and there were a few MIB1/Ki-67-positive cells with co-expression of MDM2, indicating a possible role for MDM2 in reversing the negative regulatory effects of p53 for cell cycle progression. The nuclear co-localization of p53 IR with MDM2 IR and the co-immunoprecipitation assay indicate the presence of p53–MDM2 complex formation in vivo in human atherosclerotic tissue. The destiny of individual p53 and MDM2-co-expressing cells either to undergo p53-dependent apoptosis or to re-enter the cycle of cell proliferation may depend on the relative ratios of the two proteins. p53 and MDM2 may therefore play an important role in regulating cellularity and inflammatory activity in human atherosclerotic plaques. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:p53  MDM2  atherosclerosis
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