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引用本文:姬晓丽,李灵芝. 李灵芝教授治疗排卵障碍性不孕症经验[J]. 光明中医, 2016, 0(9): 1226-1227. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-8914.2016.09.010
作者姓名:姬晓丽  李灵芝
作者单位:1. 天津中医药大学中医学院 天津300193;2. 天津中医药研究院附属医院妇科 天津300120
摘    要:不孕症是妇科的常见病,疑难病。近年不孕症的发病率呈逐渐上升趋势,已经成为影响女性生殖健康的重要问题。李灵芝教授对排卵障碍性不孕症以补肾为主,重视调经,在临床治疗中以女性生理特点为依据进行中药人工周期疗法,依据行经期、经后期、经间期、经前期分期而治,以期调节改善肾-天癸-冲任-胞宫生殖轴功能及相互间的平衡协调,促发排卵,从而达到助孕之功。同时根据患者基础体温、性激素六项、B超监测卵泡大小及子宫内膜的厚度,适时调整用药,收到较好的助孕疗效。

关 键 词:排卵障碍  不孕症  中药人工周期  李灵芝

Experience of Li Lingzhi in the Treatment of Ovulation Dysfunction Infertility
Abstract:The infertility is a common and difficult disease of gynaecology. In recent years, the incidence of infertility is gradually increasing, which has become an important issue affecting women’ s reproductive health. Professor Li Lingzhi treated ovulation dysfunction infertility with invigorating kidney, and paid attention to regulate the menstrual function. In the clinical treatment, the female physiological characteristics was the basis for the artificial cycle therapy with Chinese traditional medicine, according to the menstrual period, the late, the interval, premenstrual stage differentiation, kidney-tian gui-Chong Ren-uterus reproductive axis function and mutual balance and coordination were adjusted, which can promote ovulation, so as to achieve fertility. At the same time, according to the patient’ s basal body temperature, sex hormone six, the size of the follicle by B ultrasound monitoring and the thickness of the endometrial thickness, adjusting the medication timely, the better therapeutic effect has been obtained.
Keywords:Ovulation dysfunction  Infertility  Chinese herbal medicine artificial cycle  Li Lingzhi
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