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A mutagenic metabolite produced by Fusarium moniliforme isolated from Linxian county, China
Authors:Cheng, S.J.   Jiang, Y.Z.   Li, M.H.   Lo, H.Z.
Affiliation:Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing, People's Republic of China
Abstract:Fusarin C, a fungal metabolite, was recently isolated and identifiedfrom corn meal inoculated with Fusarium moniliforme which wasone of the most common fungi associated with corn in Linxiancounty, a high-incidence area of esophageal cancer. In the presenceof S-9 mix, fusarin C significantly increased the number ofrevertants in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100, and induced SCE,micronudei, chromosome aberrations and 6-TG resistant mutantsin V79 cells. The toxic action of fusarin C on V79 cells wasmuch stronger in the absence of S-9 mix. However, fusarin Cdid not show, at the largest concentrations used, any significantmutagenic or clastogenic effect on the cells without the additionof S-9 mix. The possib;le relationship between the consumptionof corn contaminated with F. moniliforme and the cause of esophagealcancer was discus
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