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摘    要:1991年6、7月间,我国有10多个省遭受不同程度的水灾,并在有些地区疟防经费缩减、基层卫生组织不健全、流动人口继续增多、抗疟药供应困难等不利于疟防工作的情况下,各省卫生行政部门和广大疟防专业人员以及基层卫生人员,在各级政府领导和支持下,克服各种困难,疟防工作仍取得较好成绩,大部分地区疟疾发病率下降,未发生大范围的暴发流行。

Advisory Committee on Parasitic Diseases,MOPH.MALARIA SITUATION IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN 1991[J].Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases,1992(3).
Authors:Advisory Committee on Parasitic Diseases  MOPH
Abstract:According to the case reporting system,there were 101 636 malaria cases in the nation (Taiwan not included) in 1991,the incidence being 8.875 per a hundred thot sard,acd 45 cases succumbed to the disease.In comparison with the data of 1990,the case number was reduced by 15 723 and the incidence,by 15.9%.In areas where there were no malaria cases occurred or the incidence was below 1%%,the residents recounted for 88.1% of the whole population of the country,whereas incidence of 1-10%% was recorded in areas covering 10.0% of the total population,and only in areas with 1.9% population,the inciderce exceeded 10%%In southern part,an increase of 8.61-54.35% in incidence was revealed in Guangdong,Guizhou,Yunnan and Guangxi provinces/autonomous region,which was accompanied by some focal outbreaks; the situation was primordially attributed to the frequency of population migration.In Hainan,Sichuan and Fujian provinces,the malaria incidence was reduced by 3.77-50.57%,however,increase in incidence was noted in individual places at district/city and county levels.In these 7 provinces/autonomous region,the subtotalled cases were 67 241,in a proportion of 66.2% of the total malaria cases of the nation.In the middle and eastern part,despite the flood severely affected many places in Anhui,Jiangsu,Hubei and Henan provinces in 1991,the implementation and intensification of malaria prophylaxis and treatment effectively resulted in an incidence decline by 9.44-41.28%,and no malaria epidemics had occurred.The incidence in most places of Shandong,Hunan,Jiangxi,Shanghai and Zhejiang provinces/municipality continuously decreased.The number of cases in the above-mentioned 9 provinces/municipality was 34 171,which accounted for 33.6% of the total malaria cases of the country.In the north and northeastern part,224 cases were reported,a proportion of 0.2% of the total malaria cases being calculated.Blood examination on malaria cases was carried out in 1 322 counties of 18 provinces/ autonomous regions/municipality where resided 516 million people.A total of 17 094 771 person/time blood examinations were performed on the febrile and suspected cares of malaria,which amounted to 3.3% of the whole population in situ.Consequently,malaria parasite was defected from 77 822 cases,the mean parasite rate being 0.46%.In major endemic areas and pilot spots for longitudinal survey,the investigation on 914 560 inhabitants end migratory people exhibited a mean parasite rate of 0.68%.Among the persons positive for malaria parasites,9 270 were symptomatic patients of and 920 were carriers of Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed infections with vivax malaria),amounting to 11.9% and 14.9% of the total parasite carriers respectively.It was evidenced that 98.3% of the falciparum patients and carriers were distributed in Yunnan and Hainan provinces.Seven cases of Plasmodium malariae were all contracted via blood transfusion.The prevalence as well as sporadic distribution of indigenous cases of falciparum malaria was reported from Hainan,Yunnan and Guangxi provinces/autonomous region,whereas exogenous cases of falciparum malaria were found in 95 counties of 12 provinces/autonomous region.
Keywords:Plasmodium falciparum  Plasmodium malarias  malaria  
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