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引用本文:林昱. 福建地区HIV感染者及艾滋病患者口腔病损临床观察和HAART治疗的影响[J]. 中外医疗, 2016, 0(34): 22-24. DOI: 10.16662/j.cnki.1674-0742.2016.34.022
摘    要:目的:了解福建地区人免疫缺陷病毒感染及艾滋病感染(HIV/AIDS)患者口腔病损状况,为我国HIV/AIDS人群口腔疾病的防治提供依据。方法方便选取2014年1月_2015年12月经福建省疾病控制中心确诊为HIV/AIDS患者160例为调查对象,由专业人员采集病史,进行口腔专科检查,并将详细记录的结果与世界卫生组织艾滋病感染口腔表征协作中心制定的艾滋病口腔表征分类及诊断标准相比较。同时记录CD4+T细胞计数及HAART半年后的CD4+T细胞计数。结果160例HIV/AIDS患者,年龄范围为23~68岁,其中男93例,女67例。有32例患者出现了口腔病损,其类型依照患病率的高低依次是:白色念珠菌病11例,单纯疱疹7例,口腔溃疡6例,AIDS相关性牙周病变4例,卡波济肉瘤3例和乳头状瘤2例。入组HIV/AIDS患者使用HAART法进行治疗6个月后,口腔病损明显减轻,且大多数患者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数提高。结论 HIV/AIDS患者常伴有口腔表征,并且部分口腔表征出现较早。口腔念珠菌病是HIV/AIDS患者最常见的口腔表征。 HAART治疗后这些口腔病损减轻。

关 键 词:艾滋病  口腔表征  HAART  CD4%2BT细胞计数

Investigation on Oral Lesions in HIV/AIDS Patients in Fujian Province and the Effects After HAART
Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence, age and gender distribution and clinical features of HIV/AIDS oral le-sions in patients before and after HAART in FuJian Province, and to provide the epidemiological information for prevention and treatment of these diseases in the certain population. Methods Convenient selection total of 160 HIV/AIDS patients were in cluded from January 2014 to December 2015 in this study . All patients HIV serum status was confirmed in Fujian Center of Disease Control. Oral examination was carried out by standardized specialists. HIV/AIDS orofacial lesions were recorded and diagnosed using the EC Clearing House Criteria on Oral Problems related to HIV Infection (1992) before and after HAART half a year. And CD4+ T cell counts were recorded before and after HAART half a year. Results 160 HIV/AIDS patients, aged from 23 to 68 years old, including 93 men and 67 women. 32 patients had oral lesions, the prevalence rate in accordance with the types are: 11 cases of candidiasis, herpes simplex in 7 cases, 6 cases of oral ulcer, 4 cases of AIDS associated periodontal lesions, 2 cases of Kaposi's sarcoma and 3 cases of papilloma. 6 months of treatment in group HIV/AIDS patients using HAART method after oral lesions significantly reduced, and most patients improve CD4+T lym-phocyte count. Conclusion This study shows a high prevalence of candidiasis. It suggested that HIV/AIDS usually shows o-ral lesions and partly can appear in early phase. And these oral lesions would be better after HAART.
Keywords:Human immunodeficiency virus  Oral lesion  HAART  CD4+T cell
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