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The DREAM model's effectiveness in health promotion of AIDS patients in Africa
Authors:Magnano San Lio, M.   Mancinelli, S.   Palombi, L.   Buonomo, E.   Altan, A. Doro   Germano, P.   Magid, N.A.   Pesaresi, A.   Renzi, E.   Scarcella, P.   Zimba, I.   Marazzi, M.C.
Affiliation:1Community of Sant'Egidio, DREAM Programme, 00153 Rome, Italy 2Department of Public Health, Tor Vergata University, 00133 Rome, Italy 3 University La Sapienza, 00185 Rome, Italy 4 Machava DREAM Centre, Matola, Mozambique 5Health Education Centre, University of Perugia, 06100 Perugia, Italy 6 DREAM Centre of Benfica, Maputo, Mozambique 7 LUMSA University, 00193 Rome, Italy
Abstract:This study evaluates the effectiveness of a holistic model fortreating people living with AIDS in Africa; the model aims toimprove knowledge about AIDS prevention and care, increase trustin the health centre, impact behaviour, and promote a high levelof adherence to HAART. The study took place in the context ofthe DREAM (Drug Resource Enhancement against AIDS and Malnutrition)programme in Mozambique, designed by the Community of Sant'Egidioto treat HIV patients in Africa. It provides patients with freeanti-retroviral drugs, laboratory tests (including viral load),home care and nutritional support. This is a prospective studyinvolving 531 patients over a 12-month period. The patients,predominantly poor and with a low level of education, demonstrateda good level of knowledge about AIDS (more than 90% know howit is transmitted) and trust in the treatment, with a relativelysmall percentage turning to traditional healers. Overall thepatients had a low level of engaging in risky sexual behaviourand a very good level of adherence to HAART (69.5% of the 531subjects had a pill count higher than 95%). The positive resultsof the programme's educational initiatives were confirmed withthe patients' good clinical results.
Keywords:health promotion   HAART   adherence   AIDS prevention
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