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Magnetocardiographic Pacemapping for Nonfluoroscopic Localization of Intracardiac Electrophysiology Catheters
Authors:RICCARDO FENICI,KATJA PESOLA,&dagger  ,PETRI KORHONEN,&dagger  &Dagger  ,MARKKU MÄ  KIJÄ  RVI,&dagger  &Dagger  ,JUKKA NENONEN,&dagger  ,LAURIE TOIVONEN,&dagger  &Dagger  ,PETER FENICI,TOIVO KATILA&Dagger  
Affiliation:Clinical Physiology—Biomagnetism Research Center, Catholic University, Rome, Italy;Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki;Medical Engineering Centre, BioMag Laboratory, University Central Hospital, Helsinki;Division of Cardiology, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to validate, in patients, the accuracy of magnetocardiography (MCG) for three-dimensional localization of an amagnetic catheter (AC) for multiple monophasic action potential (MAP) with a spatial resolution of 4 mm2. The AC was inserted in five patients after routine electrophysiological study. Four MAPs were simultaneously recorded to monitor the stability of endocardial contact of the AC during the MCG localization. MAP signals were band-pass filtered DC-500 Hz and digitized at 2 KHz. The position of the AC was also imaged by biplane fluoroscopy (XR), along with lead markers. MCG studies were performed with a multichannel SQUID system in the Helsinki BioMag shielded room. Current dipoles (5mm; 10mA), activated at the tip of the AC, were localized using the equivalent current dipole (ECD) model in patient-specific boundary element torso. The accuracy of the MCG localizations was evaluated by: (1) anatomic location of ECD in the MRI, (2) mismatch with XR. The AC was correctly localized in the right ventricle of all patients using MRI. The mean three-dimensional mismatch between XR and MCG localizations was 6 ± 2 mm (beat-to-beat analysis). The coefficient of variation of three-dimensional localization of the AC was 1.37% and the coefficient of reproducibility was 2.6 mm. In patients, in the absence of arrhythmias, average local variation coefficients of right ventricular MAP duration at 50% and 90% ofrepolarization, were 7.4% and 3.1%, respectively. This study demonstrates that with adequate signal-to-noise ratio, MCG three-dimensional localizations are accurate and reproducible enough to provide nonfluoroscopy dependant multimodal imaging for high resolution endocardial mapping of monophasic action potentials.
Keywords:magnetocardiography    monophasic action potential    amagnetic pacing catheter    boundary element method    equivalent current dipole localization
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