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引用本文:李琰,孙昌志,周丽枫,曾清香. 鼻声反射对特异性变应原皮下免疫治疗儿童变应性鼻炎的疗效评估[J]. 中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志, 2016, 22(4): 320-322
作者姓名:李琰  孙昌志  周丽枫  曾清香
作者单位:广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 耳鼻咽喉科,广东广州510623
摘    要:摘要:目的探讨鼻声反射测量评估特异性变应原皮下免疫治疗变应性鼻炎的疗效。方法对接受阿罗格(螨变应原注射液)皮下注射脱敏治疗的65例变应性鼻炎患儿进行研究,其中男40例,女25例;年龄5~13岁,平均年龄(7.1±2.2)岁。所有患儿均对屋尘螨和粉尘螨过敏,完成1年的特异性皮下免疫治疗。治疗前和治疗后1年分别进行症状评分和鼻声反射测量,分析治疗前后鼻腔容积(NV)及鼻腔最小横截面积(MCA)的变化,评估特异性变应原皮下免疫治疗的疗效。结果65例变应性鼻炎患儿特异性变应原皮下免疫治疗1年后症状评分明显改善,治疗1年后鼻腔容积及鼻腔最小横截面积与治疗前相比显著增加。结论鼻声反射测量是客观反映鼻腔通气状况的指标。鼻声反射测定值与患者主观感受具有高度一致性,对鼻腔通气功能的临床评估有应用价值。特异性变应原皮下免疫治疗变应性鼻炎疗效确切,用鼻声反射测量来评估是客观准确的。

关 键 词:鼻声反射|皮下免疫治疗|变应性鼻炎

Application of acoustic rhinometry in therapeutic evaluation of subcutaneous immunotherapy in children with allergic rhinitis
Abstract:Abstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the therapeutic effect of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) in children with allergic rhinitis (AR) by acoustic rhinometry.MethodsSixty five children (M/F=40/25, 5 to 13 year old) with moderate to severe persistent AR were recruited to treat with SCIT. All participants were allergic to dust mite and administered 1 year SCIT treatment. Symptom scores and acoustic rhinometry were conducted before and 1 year after SCIT. Nasal volume (NV) and minimal cross sectional area (MCA) were analyzed to evaluate the effect of SCIT.ResultsThe symptom scores, NV and MCA of all participants were significantly improved after 1 year treatment with SCIT.ConclusionAcoustic rhinometry provides objective evaluation of airway obstruction and is highly consistent with the subjective symptoms. SCIT is effective for treatment of AR in children and acoustic rhinometry is practical in evaluating the effectiveness.
Keywords:Acoustic rhinometry| Subcutaneous immunotherapy| Allergic rhinitis
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