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An Inbred Epilepsy-Prone Substrain of BALB/c Mice Shows Absence of the Corpus Callosum, an Abnormal Projection to the Basal Forebrain, and Bilateral Projections to the Thalamus
Authors:Morin, Catherine L.   Dolina, Svetlana   Robertson, Richard T.   Ribak, Charles E.
Abstract:BALB/c mice lack a corpus callosum in about 11% of the population.Two inbred substrains of BALB/c mice, epilepsy-prone (EP) andepilepsy-resistant (ER), have been examined to determine whetherthese substrains differ in regard to corpus callosum morphology.Further, this study addressed the issue of whether misroutedcortical axons form an aberrant pathway instead of the corpuscallosum. Initial studies that examined fresh brain tissue ofadult animals revealed normal corpora callosa in all ER micebut deficient or absent corpora callosa in all EP mice. Subsequently,Dil crystals were placed in the motor cortices of aldehyde-fixedbrains of 2-week-old animals to investigate cortical projectionsin both inbred substrains of mice. Fluorescent microscopy revealedthat all of the ER animals had normal corpora callosa, whereasall EP animals exhibited either reduced corpora callosa (partiallycallosal) or an absence (acallosal) of this structure. Bothacallosal and partially callosal EP mice displayed an extensive,aberrant projection to the basal forebrain as well as bilateralprojections to midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei. Thefibers projecting to the basal forebrain arose from the cortex,coursed toward the midline before turning ventrally along themidline, and appeared to terminate in the medial septal nucleusand the nucleus of the diagonal band. ER animals lacked thisaberrant cortical projection to the basal forebrain. Electronmicroscopic results obtained from EP mice indicated that labeledaxons in this aberrant pathway formed axosomatic, axodendritic,and axospinous synapses with the neurons in the medial septal/diagonalband complex. The function of the aberrant projection to thebasal forebrain remains unknown but it may provide an abnormalexcitatory input to a region that provides cholinergic and GABAergicinput to the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The additionalprojections to midline and contralateral intralaminar thalamicnuclei in EP mice may function to intensify the synchronizationof bilateral discharges.
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