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The Distribution of Muscles Fibers and Their Types in the Female Rat Urethra: Cytoarchitecture and Three‐Dimensional Reconstruction
Authors:Guo‐Fang Tseng  Yee Fun Lee  Yong‐San Huang  Jeng‐Rung Chen  Chen‐Li Cheng
Affiliation:1. Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Tzu‐Chi University, , Hualien, Taiwan;2. Institute of Biomedical Science, Department of Life Sciences, National Chung‐Hsing University, , Taichung, Taiwan;3. Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung‐Hsing University, , Taichung, Taiwan;4. Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, , Taichung, Taiwan
Abstract:An attempt to explore urethral cytoarchitecture including the distribution of smooth muscles and fast and slow striated muscles of adult female Sprague Dawley rat—a popular model in studying lower urinary tract function. Histological and immunohistochemical stainings were carried out to investigate the distribution of urethral muscle fibers and motor end plates. The urethral sphincter was furthermore three‐dimensionally reconstructed from serial histological sections. The mucosa at the distal urethra was significantly thicker than that of other segments. A prominent inner longitudinal and outer circular layer of smooth muscles covered the proximal end of urethra. Thick circular smooth muscles of the bladder neck region (urethral portion) decreased significantly distalward and longitudinal smooth muscles became 2‐ to 3‐fold thicker in the rest of the urethra. An additional layer of striated muscles appeared externally after neck region (urethra) and in association with motor end plates ran throughout the remaining urethra as the striated sphincter layer. Most striated muscles were fast fibers while relatively fewer slow fibers often concentrated at the periphery. A pair of extraneous striated muscles, resembling the human urethrovaginal sphincter muscles, connected both sides of mainly the distal vagina to the dorsal striated muscles in the wall of the middle urethra. The tension provided by this pair of muscles, and in conjunction with the striated sphincter of the urethral wall, was likely to function to suspend the middle urethra and facilitates its closure. Comprehensive morphological data of urethral sphincter offers solid basis for researchers conducting studies on dysfunction of bladder outlet. Anat Rec, 296:1640–1649, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords:3D reconstruction  female rat urethra  internal urethral sphincter  striated urethral sphincter
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