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摘    要:早泄为临床常见的性功能障碍,但要给早泄下一个完整确切的定义却颇为困难。当然严重的早泄易于诊断,一般是指在性生活时,勃起的阴茎尚未纳入阴道、正当纳入或刚刚入就已射精,阴茎随之而软缩。关于早泄形成的原因尚无可靠的资料。国内外大量的研究表明,早泄绝大多数是精神性的,属于精神生理方面

关 键 词:早泄  病因  射精生理

Etiology of premature ejaculation
Fu Zhaojie.Etiology of premature ejaculation[J].The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality,1999,8(2):13-14.
Authors:Fu Zhaojie
Abstract:The author postulates that overly strong psychosexual stimulation is the important cause lead- ing to premature ejaculation.The psychosexual stimulation is based on sexual fantasy and characterized by great intensity,rapidity and constant distortion (amplification).Men with premature ejaculation often exagger- ate the extent of the sexual sensation so that sexual excitement rapidly advances to orgasm,coming to prema- ture ejaculation.Sexual fantasy is the principal source of sexual stimulus whereas the premature ejaculation. Sexual fantasy is the principal source of sexual stimulus whereas the premature ejaculator often has obtuse or even no feeling of sexual pleasure brought about by tactile sensation (somatic stimulation).It follows that ap- propriate control of the intensity of psychosexual stimulation in the course of sexual activity will slow down the sexual excitement,which is very important to controlling premature ejaculation.
Keywords:Premature ejaculation Psuchosexual stimulation Sexual fantasy
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