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Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Bio-Gen with biocollagen compared with Bio-Gen with connective tissue in the treatment of class II furcation defects: a randomized clinical trial


Treatment of furcation defects are thought to be challenging. The purpose of thisstudy was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic parameters of Bio-Gen withBiocollagen compared with Bio-Gen with connective tissue in the treatment of ClassII furcation defects.

Material and Methods

In this clinical trial, 24 patients with Class II furcation defect on a buccal orlingual mandibular molar were recruited. After oral hygiene instruction, scalingand root planing and achievement of acceptable plaque control, the patients wererandomly chosen to receive either connective tissue and Bio-Gen (case group) orBiocollagen and Bio-Gen (control group). The following parameters were recordedbefore the first and re-entry surgery (six months later): vertical clinicalattachment level (VCAL), gingival index (GI), plaque index (PI), horizontalprobing depth (HPD), vertical probing depth (VPD), gingival recession (GR),furcation vertical component (FVC), furcation to alveolar crest (FAC), fornix tobase of defect (FBD), and furcation horizontal component (FHC) were calculated atthe time of first surgery and during re-entry. A digital periapical radiograph wastaken in parallel before first surgery and re-entry. The radiographs were thenanalyzed by digital subtraction. The differences with p value <0.05 wereconsidered significant.


Only the mean changes of FAC, FHC, mean of FHC, FBD in re-entry revealedstatistically significant differences between the two groups. HPD, VPD, FBD, FAC,and FHC showed statistically significant differences after 6 months in the casegroup. However, in the control group, statistically significant differences werefound in GR and HPD. We did not observe any significant difference in radiographicchanges among the two groups.


The results of this trial indicate that better clinical outcomes can be obtainedwith connective tissue grafts in combination with bone material compared with aresorbable barrier with bone material. The differences in radiographic changesbetween the two groups, however, were not statistically significant.
Keywords:Furcation defects   Treatment   Guided tissue regeneration   Connective tissue
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