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引用本文:王潇婉,郭凌风,刘文利. 陕西省大学生对性别议题社会事件网络舆情的参与度和态度[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2022, 43(12): 1771-1774. DOI: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2022.12.003
作者姓名:王潇婉  郭凌风  刘文利
作者单位:1.西安邮电大学数字艺术学院,陕西 710061
摘    要:  目的   了解在新媒介环境下大学生对性别议题社会舆情事件的参与度和态度, 为高校学生群体的网络舆情引导和干预提供数据参考和实证依据。  方法   采用方便抽样方法,在陕西省西安市9所高校收集有效问卷450份,采用自编问卷对大学生基本人口学信息、性别议题社会事件舆情关注及参与度、案例态度和性别议题社会事件网络舆情的影响进行调查。  结果   371名(83.00%)大学生关注过此类事件,210名(47.00%)参与过讨论。有326名(72.90%)大学生表达被此类事件影响了情绪,其中62名(13.90%)认为此类事件对自我情绪的影响具有持续性,54名(12.10%)认为此类事件进一步影响了自身生活。女性对事件的关注度及参与度(4.58±2.94)、对受害者的积极评价(12.01±2.07)和对施暴者的消极评价(5.99±1.60),以及感受到的负面情绪(15.90±8.62)均高于男性(3.85±2.67,11.44±2.02,6.56±1.83,9.46±9.02)(t值分别为2.76,2.96,3.48,7.71,P值均 < 0.05)。  结论   高校学生对性别议题社会舆情事件关注度较高,并存在性别差异。学校、媒体和社会应关注大学生媒介素养,促进大学生心理健康发展。

关 键 词:性别特性   社会问题   因特网   态度   学生

Participation and attitude towards online public opinion on gender issues among college students in Shaanxi Province
Affiliation:1.School of Digital Arts, Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunication, Xi'an(710061), China
Abstract:  Objective   To understand participation and attitude towards online public opinion on gender issues among college students.  Methods   Using convenient sampling, 450 valid questionnaires were collected from 9 colleges and universities in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, and self-compiled questionnaires were used to investigate general demographic information, public opinion concern and participation of gender issues, case attitudes and the impact of online public opinion of gender issues.  Results   A total of 371 participants (83.00%) paid attention to such events, and 210 (47.00%) participated in the discussion. Among the 326(72.90%) college students who were affected by such events, 62(13.90%) thought that such events had a lasting effect on self-emotion, and 54(12.10%) thought that such events had further effects on self-emotion, affect their own lives. Attention to and participation in the event(4.58±2.94), positive evaluations of victims(12.01±2.07), negative evaluations of perpetrators(5.99±1.60), and negative emotions(15.90±8.62) in female college students were significantly higher than those of males(3.85±2.67, 11.44±2.02, 6.56±1.83, 9.46±9.02)(t=2.76, 2.96, 3.48, 7.71, P < 0.05).  Conclusion   College students have a high degree of attention to social public opinion events on gender issues, with significant gender difference. Schools, media and society should pay attention to the media literacy and mental health among college students.
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