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Characterization of the anti-A antibody binding in an ABO-incompatible living donor renal transplantation
Authors:Rydberg, L.   Nyberg, G.   Attman, P-O   Mjornstedt, L.   Tufveson, G.   Blohme, I.
Affiliation:1Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine, Transplant Unit, Sahlgrenska Hospital Göteborg, Sweden 2Department of Nephrology, Transplant Unit, Sahlgrenska Hospital Göteborg, Sweden 3Department of Surgery, Transplant Unit, Sahlgrenska Hospital Göteborg, Sweden
Abstract:A 57-year-old female, blood group B, with polycystic kidneydisease, received an ABO-identical, HLA-A,B,DR 5-mismatchedrenal allograft in 1986. Due to graft artery thrombosis andvascular rejection, she lost the kidney 6 months after transplantationand developed HLA antibodies with a panel reactivity of 99%.Despite 5 years on a European waiting list for highly immunizedpatients, she was not offered a second kidney. An attempt toremove her HLA antibodies by plasmapheresis combined with cyclophosphamidetherapy did not succeed. Her 53-year-old HLA-identical, butABO-incompatible sister (blood group A1) was then accepted asa donor. After immunoadsorption on Biosynsorb-A columns, transplantationwas performed. The post-transplant course was uneventful withoutany signs of rejection. Studies on the anti-A antibody bindingcharacteristics before and after immunoadsorption and aftertransplantation, showed that IgM and IgG antibodies recognizingthe A trisaccharide epitope based on the type 1,2, and 4 coresaccharide chains, were effectively removed by Biosynsorb-Aadsorption, but the column failed to remove anti-A antibodiesrecognizing the A type 3 antigen. These antibodies probablyrequires part of the core saccharide chain for binding. Thepresence of these antibodies did not seem to influence the outcomeof the ABO-incompatible transplantation.
Keywords:ABO-incompatible   immunoadsorption   Biosynsorb   renal transplantation   anti-A antibody
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