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引用本文:李晓亮,肖霞,王爱玲. 昆明地区医护人员实施普遍性防护原则及相关问题的调查[J]. 中国医院管理, 2003, 23(9): 36-38
作者姓名:李晓亮  肖霞  王爱玲
摘    要:我国目前已出现大批艾滋病病人,医院等医疗机构应加速做好应对准备。其中,有效地实施世界卫生组织推荐的普遍性防护原则是关键。为了解昆明地区各级医院面临艾滋病流行趋势的应对能力,该研究对16所医院的557名医护人员进行了定量、定性(包括个人深入访谈和非参与性观察)的研究。研究发现,医护人员中已有33.6%的在工作中接触过HIV感染者和AIDS病人,但却没有有意识地实施普遍性防护原则。医院要求的操作程序中还存在危险环节(如针头毁形)。50.8%的医护人员报告在过去3个月中被针头或锐器扎伤。研究表明,医院内医护人员实施普遍性防护原则的能力急待加强。

关 键 词:HIV/AIDS 医护人员 普遍防护性原则 职业暴露 昆明地区 医院 艾滋病

A Research of Universal Precaution Implementation of Health Workers in kunming Area
Abstract:Care is an important part of HIV/ AIDS prevention and control. As the place of providing service, the hospital should prepare for meeting the challenge of HIV/ AIDS epidemic in China, because the amount of the patient is increasing greatly. Implementing universal precaution suggested by WHO is a key step of responding HIV/ AIDS in hospital that can reflect hospital' s ability. In order to realize the situation, a research was conducted among 557 health workers from 16 hospitals of Kunming area last year. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. It was found that 33. 6% health worker had met the people living with HIV/ AIDS in their work, half health work were still afraid them. Health workers did not implement universal precaution well and they still followed some risky operation, such as recapping and misshaping needles. Among the interivewees, 50. 8% reported they were injured by contaminated needles or sharps in past three months. Based on above finding, the author recommend the hospitals should start to train their staff, reform the procedure of dealing with the needles, and guarantee necessary equipment for universal precaution implementation.
Keywords:HIV/ AIDS   health workers   universal precaution   professional exposure  
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