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引用本文:陈嵩,陈扬熙. 颅面骨生长发育及正畸治疗中的3种骨调控机制及其概念[J]. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2009, 27(5): 577-581. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1182.2009.05.030
作者姓名:陈嵩  陈扬熙
摘    要:骨生长(bone growth)、骨塑建(bone modeling)和骨重建(bone remodeling)是出生后骨组织生长发育的3种调控机制。长期以来,在口腔正畸学领域中,由于一些历史原因,骨塑建与骨重建(或称骨改建)的概念被混淆,真正的骨重建机制却被忽略。本文从历史的角度回顾了这个语义学错误在口腔正畸学领域产生的原因,进一步阐明了骨塑建与骨重建机制的区别,以及出生后颅面骨骼生长发育与正畸治疗中的骨调控机制。建议尽快在口腔正畸学领域宣传、推广正确使用骨塑建和骨重建这2个专业名词的中英文拼写,停止使用骨改建这一中文名词,以避免在与其他学科(如骨科学)或国内外同行交流时发生误解和交流障碍。

关 键 词:骨生长  骨塑建骨重建

The skeletal regulating mechanisms and concepts in growth and development of cranial-facial bones and orthodontic treatment
CHEN Song,CHEN Yang-xi. The skeletal regulating mechanisms and concepts in growth and development of cranial-facial bones and orthodontic treatment[J]. West China journal of stomatology, 2009, 27(5): 577-581. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1182.2009.05.030
Authors:CHEN Song  CHEN Yang-xi
Affiliation:Dept. of Orthodontics, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
Abstract:There are three kinds of mechanisms regulating the growth and development of skeletal tissue:Bone growth, bone modeling and bone remodeling. However, in the current orthodontics literature, there continues to be substantial confusion regarding the usage of the term“bone remodeling”. This article reviews the historical causes for this semantics problem and explains the difference between bone modeling and remodeling, as well as the detailed skeletal regulating mechanisms in the growth and development of cranial-facial bones and orthodontic treatment. At last, this article suggests Chinese orthodontists use the terms“bone modeling”and“bone remodeling”more precisely to avoid scientific confusion and barriers to scientific exchange with other biomedical disciplines.
Keywords:bone growth  bone modeling  bone remodeling
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