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Orientation to dissection: Assisting students through the transition
Authors:Lamdin R  Weller J  Kerse N
Affiliation:Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. r.lamdin@auckland.ac.nz
Abstract:Human dissection continues to be strongly argued for teaching human anatomy to medical students and is technically and emotionally demanding. An orientation to dissection and the laboratory are provided for students before beginning their work because students' and families' reactions to dissection are often complex. This study explored medical students' experiences of attending an orientation to human dissection and the anatomy laboratory. Students' reactions, feelings, and thoughts were enquired about 1 year after beginning dissection at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Qualitative research methods, specifically one-on-one semistructured interview were utilized. Third-year medical students self-selected into the study and were interviewed 1 year after entering the laboratory. Transcribed audiotapes of the interviews were analyzed for themes across the interviews. One year after dissection students have vivid memories with differing ways of viewing the body that may help or hinder with dissection. The themes presented include orientation, student anticipation, psychological approach to the body, normalizing-continuing disquiet, and social reference. The orientation eases student entry into the laboratory. There can be ongoing feelings of ambivalence regards the body for some students. Novel findings include that students not only have their own feelings to deal with but also those of friends and family who question them and may feel uncomfortable with the idea of them dissecting. Even one year after beginning dissection, students may emotionally struggle with their work and may require further support, including how they talk about sensitive topics with other people.
Keywords:AC joint  axillary artery  clavicle  glenoid  lateral cord  musculocutaneous nerve
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