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引用本文:李莉,汪曾炜,张宝仁. 射频消融失败的房室折返性心动过速患者旁道的电生理定位及手术治疗[J]. 中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志, 1998, 12(2): 1
作者姓名:李莉  汪曾炜  张宝仁
作者单位::第二军医大学长海医院胸心外科 (上海 200433);;参考文献;1 中国生物医学工程学会心脏起搏与电生理分会导管消融学组.中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志,1996,10:114;2 汪曾炜,费诚鉴,李莉,等.预激综合征Kent束的切割治疗.中华胸心血管外科杂志,1993,9:129
摘    要:对11例射频消融(RFCA)失败的房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)患者(8例合并有器质性心脏病)进行电生理定位及外科治疗。10例心外膜标测定位结果与术前心内电生理定位一致。11例旁道(AP)切割均获成功。1例死于围术期急性肾功能衰竭,2例分别于术后第2及30日复发,再次RFCA成功。2例左后间隔显性AP遗留有delta波。10例随访15.3±12.8个月,无心动过速复发,合并的器质性心脏病均获治愈,心功能Ⅰ级。3例无器质性心脏病,2例为左后间隔AP,1例为右后游离壁AP,手术中证实RFCA失败系消融电极未能抵达有效靶点消融所致;2例Ebsteins畸形合并房间隔缺损,1例为重度三尖瓣返流使消融电极不能稳定贴靠靶点,另1例为AP靠近心外膜面而致RFCA失败;1例风湿性心脏病联合瓣膜病因瓣膜及瓣下结构病理改变致RFCA失败;1例重度二尖瓣返流RFCA失败与病人不能耐受RFCA与AP定位于24区消融导管难以抵达有关;先天性心脏病大房间隔缺损、重度主动脉关闭不全及矫正性大动脉转位右旋心伴三尖瓣返流各1例,RFCA失败与解剖畸形、心内大分流等血液动力学障碍有关。结果提示RFCA失败的AVRT在电生理标测指导下外科治疗?

关 键 词:心动过速.房室折返性  电生理学  导管消融.射频电流  心脏外科手术

Electrophysiologic Study and Surgical Treatment of Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia in Patients Failed With Radiofrequency Ablation
Abstract:Eleven patients with atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia(AVRT) who had failed from radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) were treated by surgical operation.Eight patients had associated structural heart diseases.All patients had problematical preexcitation syndrome.Electrophysiological studies before operation in 11 patients and epicardial mapping during operation in 10 patients were performed and their localization showed no difference.All accessory pathways (AP) were successfully ablated and there were no intraoperative complications.One patient died of acute renal failure 5 days postoperatively.Two patients had recurrence of right lateral AP and were successfully treated by RFCA.In all,10 patients were cured after mean follow up 15.3±12.8 months.The causes of RFCA failure were demonstrated in surgical operation.In 3 patients without structural heart disease,ablation catheters were not located in distinct target sites during ablation of 2 left posteroseptal pathways and 1 right posterior wall pathway.In 2 cases of Ebsteins anomaly,ablations were failed by serious tricuspid regurgitation and AP at epicardium.In one case with rhumatic valvular disease,ablation catheter did not achieve mitral annulus because of pathologic changes.Other 4 cases with congenital heart disease were associated with anotomical anomaly and serious hemodynamic disturbance.The results indicated that AVRT in patients with structural heart disease or problematical preexcitation syndrome can be successfully treated by surgical operation with electrophysiological mapping.
Keywords:Tachycardia  atrioventricular reentrant Electrophysiology Catheter ablation  radiofrequency current Heart surgery
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