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引用本文:许成祖. 木盒艾条灸治疗棘上韧带劳损疗效观察[J]. 针刺研究, 1997, 0(3)
摘    要:本文采用木盒文条灸加中药浓缩液外用治疗棘上韧带劳损,取得较满意的疗效。本组30例,病程12天~10个月。胸推棘上韧带劳损21例;腰椎棘上韧带劳损9例。中药配方用桃仁、红花。川穹、防风、赤芍、乳香、没药、牛膝、秦充、姜黄、当归、桂技、威灵仙、羌活、独活,水煎。取相应的阿是穴、夹脊穴。先在棘突上阿是穴和夹脊穴抹上中药浓缩液,取艾条长约9公分3条点燃,以不同方向放进木盒的铁丝网上,再把木盒罩放在棘突及央脊穴上,盖好水盖,太烫时可把木盖空隙放大,每次大约灸治40分钟左右。每日一次,七次为一疗程,疗程间隔3天。结果治愈…

The Observation on the Curative Effect of Treating Strain of Supraspinal Ligament by Moxibustion in Wood Box
Abstract:Thirty cases of strain of supraspinal ligament were treated by moxibustion in wood box and application of herbs which could activate the bood circulation and dredged the channels and collaterals.First, the preparation of herbs was applied on the sore, then moxibustion in wood box was applied toit, making it even temperature, so as to permeate the liquid of herb directly.It could reinforce Yang, warm Du Meridians and dredge meridians to relieve inflammation andpain
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