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引用本文:王培桦,张庆兰,周永林,陈智高,何颖霞,梁萍,陈月娥,武鸣,胡晓抒. 江苏省黄泛平原水源型高碘地区和地方性高碘甲状腺肿病区再确认调查[J]. 中国地方病学杂志, 2008, 27(6)
作者姓名:王培桦  张庆兰  周永林  陈智高  何颖霞  梁萍  陈月娥  武鸣  胡晓抒
作者单位:1. 江苏省疾病预防控制中心
2. 徐州市疾病预防控制中心
3. 江苏省卫生厅
摘    要:目的 依据国家标准对江苏省黄泛平原地区进行水源型高碘地区和地方性离碘甲状腺肿病区重新划定和确认 方法 2005年在徐州市的丰器,沛县铜山县睢宁县,邳州市和淮安市的楚州区,以乡镇为单位.每个乡镇选择5个行政村,每个行政村按东,南,西北,中,抽取1口井测定水碘,少于5口井的行政村全部测定,采用砷铈催化分光光度法检测水碘.在水碘中位数>150~300μg/L的乡镇巾,开展高碘甲状腺肿病情调查.依据GB/T 19380-2003<水源性高碘地区和地方性高碘甲状腺肿病区的划定>标准,对上述地区进行重新划定和确认.结果 共计调查158个乡镇,发现水碘中位数在15μg/L以上的乡镇79个.在水碘中位数>150~300μg/L的32个乡谈中,有9个乡镇符合水源性高碘地区的标准,23个乡镇符合地方性高碘甲状腺肿病区标准,其中16个乡镇已先期停供碘盐,有16个新划定的求源性高碘地区(瘸区)乡镇未停供碘盐.在水碘中位数>300μg/L的47个乡镇中,尚有4个乡镇未停碘盐.结论 应尽快落实在水源型主碘地区和地方性离碘甲状腺肿病区停供碘盐等补碘措施,防止双重补碘可能造成的危害.

关 键 词:    数据收集  流行病学

Reaffirmation and classifcation of the areas with highwater iodine and the endemíc areas of íodine excess goiter in Jiansu Provice
WANG Pei-hua,ZHANG Qing-lan,ZHOU Yong-lin,CHEN Zhi-gao,He Ying-xia,Liang-Ping,Chen Yue-e,Wu Ming,Hu Xiao-shu. Reaffirmation and classifcation of the areas with highwater iodine and the endemíc areas of íodine excess goiter in Jiansu Provice[J]. Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology, 2008, 27(6)
Authors:WANG Pei-hua  ZHANG Qing-lan  ZHOU Yong-lin  CHEN Zhi-gao  He Ying-xia  Liang-Ping  Chen Yue-e  Wu Ming  Hu Xiao-shu
Abstract:Objective To affirm and calssify the arsas with high water iodine and the endemic areas of indline excess goiter in Jiangsu Privince accirding to mational standard.Methods A cross section survey was condueted in 2005 at township level in Fenxian,Tongshan,Suining,Pizhou counties in Xuzhou municipal and Chuzhou district in Huai'an municipal in Jiangsu Province One sample of dringing well water from five directions in the five villages located dircetions of every township namely east west south north and central.was tested for its water iodine concentration.If the sample number sas less than 5 in one village,then all the well water would be tested Endemic stutas of iodine excess goiter was investigated in those townships whose menian water iodine comcentration was between 150 to 300 μg/L Then status was affirmed and reclassifed according.to National Criteria GB/T 19280-2003 Results In all 158 tawnships from the 6 counties the median of water iodine concentration in 79 townships were over 150 μg/L with 32 townships in the range of 150 to 300μg/L In those 32 townships 9 met the criteria of area of high water iodine 23 accorded with that of encemic areas of iosine excess goiter 16 had stopped the supply of non-iodzed salt in advace,but 16 newly detected areas were still served with iodized salt Four were 300 μg/L Conctusions Iodized salt intervention should be stopped in all townships with the problems of high water iodine and the endmic areas of iodine excess goter in order to prevent the possible hazards due to double intade.
Keywords:Water  Indine  Date collection  Epidmeiolgy
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