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Problem Behaviors and Personality of Children and Adolescents With Prader-Willi Syndrome
Authors:van Lieshout, Cornells F. M.   de Meyer, Ronald E.   Curfs, Leopold M. G.   Koot, Hans M.   Fryns, Jean-Pierre
Affiliation:1University of Nijmegen Maastricht, 2Clinical Genetics Center Maastricht, 3Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands, 4Center for Human Genetics, University of Leuven Belgium

5All correspondence should be sent to Cornells F. M. van Lieshout, Department of Psychology, University of Nijmegen, P. O. Box 9104, 6500 HE Nij-megen, The Netherlands. E-mail: vanlieshout{at}psych.kun.nl

Abstract:Objective: Compare behavioral and emotional problems of childrenand adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) and clientsconsulting mental health centers (MHC) and related behavioraland emotional problems to the children's personality in thePWS group. Methods: Participants were 39 children with PWS and 585 matchedMHC dlents. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) syndromes were relatedto the Big-Five personality factors measured with the CaliforniaChild Q-sort (CCQ). Results: Mean CBCL Total Problems scores were not differentfor the PWS and MHC groups, but differences were found for severalof the CBCL subscales. Patterns of correlations among CBCL scaleswere similar In both groups, although coefficients were generallyhigher in the PWS group, indicating higher comorbidity or co-absenceof CBCL syndromes in children and adolescents with PWS. Personalityprofiles were specific for Internalizing and Externalizing problemsof children and adolescents with PWS.
Keywords:Prader–  Willi Syndrome   Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)   California Child Q-sort (CCQ)   Big Five personality factors   externalizing   internalizing.
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