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引用本文:张忠,韩春丽,车欣,代俊峰. 胃癌危险因素病例对照研究[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2005, 21(1): 7-8
作者姓名:张忠  韩春丽  车欣  代俊峰
摘    要:

关 键 词:危险因素 Logistic回归模型 幽门螺杆菌感染 病例对照研究方法 恶性肿瘤家族史 胃癌发生 体育锻炼 本溪地区 精神压抑 过量摄入 新鲜水果 病理组织学 2004年 2002年 多因素分析 科学依据 问卷调查 致癌因素 烟熏食品 动物肉类

Case-control study on risk factors of stomach cancer
ZHANG Zhong,HAN Chunli,CHE Xin,et al.. Case-control study on risk factors of stomach cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2005, 21(1): 7-8
Authors:ZHANG Zhong  HAN Chunli  CHE Xin  et al.
Affiliation:ZHANG Zhong,HAN Chunli,CHE Xin,et al.General Hospital of Benxi Iron & Steel Co
Objective A case-control study was conducted to explore the risk factors of stomach cancer in Benxicity.Methods Two hundred and ninety-eight new cases with stomach cancer survivors were surveyed by questionnaire,matched 1:1 with controls between February 2002 and February 2004.Correlation power of all risk factors with stomach cancer was evaluated by the odd ratio (OR).Logistic regression model univariate and multivariate analysis was used for screening the significant risk factors of stomach cancer.Results Lack of physical exercises,mental depression,high smoke consumption,high sootiness food consumption,like high salt food consumption,surfeit animal meat,Helicobacter Pylori(HP)infection,gastric ulcer,household history of malignancy were the risk factors of stomach cancer.The odd ratio (OR) value in tum was 2.181,19.502,2.920,6.985,3.013,12.882,32.624,13.006,5.550.High champignon and mushrooms food consumption (OR=0.443),high fresh fruit consumption (OR=0.665) were the protective factors of stomach cancer.Conclusion Helicobacter Pylori (HP) infection,mental depression,history of gastric ulcer,surfeit animal meat,lack of physical exercises were associated with increased risk of stomach cancer in Benxi.Helicobacter Pylori (HP) examination,keeping the equilibrium of mental state,adequacy athletics,high champignon and mushrooms food consumption,high fresh fruit consumption could decrease risk of stomach cancer.
Keywords:stomach cancer  risk factors  case-control study
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