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Sperm chromosome analysis in the father of a child with a de-novo reciprocal translocation t(11;15)(q12;q22) by G-banding and fluorescence in-situ hybridization
Authors:Colls, P   Martinez-Pasarell, O   Perez, MM   Egozcue, J   Templado, C
Affiliation:Department de Biologia Cellular i Fisiologia, Facultat de Medicina, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain.
Abstract:Analysis of sperm chromosomes by G-banding and two-colour fluorescencein-situ hybridization (FISH) was carried out in the father of a child witha de-novo reciprocal translocation t(11;15)(q12;q22). Sperm chromosomecomplements were obtained after in-vitro fusion of zona-free hamsteroocytes and donor spermatozoa. A total of 112 sperm complements was firstanalysed by G-banding. The frequency of structural chromosome aberrations(9.8%) and the conservative frequency of aneuploidy (0.0%) were notsignificantly different from those obtained in our control donors. Theproportions of X-bearing (53.2%) and Y-bearing (46.8%) spermatozoa were notsignificantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio. A total of 313 spermcomplements was analysed by two-colour FISH. The frequency of structuralabnormalities for chromosomes 11 and 15 was 3.2 and 0.3% respectively. Thefrequency of rearrangements for chromosome 11 was statistically significantwhen compared with control donors (0.4%) (P < 0.0001). No spermatozoawith the t(11;15)(q12;q22) translocation were observed, showing no evidencefor a germ-cell mosaicism. These results suggest that the de-novoinvolvement of chromosome 11 in a structural rearrangement is not random,and that in this patient an increased risk of de-novo structural chromosomeabnormalities in further offspring does exist.
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