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引用本文:何芝忠,王仕应,李立,罗四维. 成都双流国际机场2005年6月~2006年5月对疟疾、登革热传染病媒介生物的监测与分析[J]. 医学动物防制, 2006, 22(9): 645-648
作者姓名:何芝忠  王仕应  李立  罗四维
摘    要:目的:本文报告了2005年6月~2006年5月,成都双流国际机场对疟疾、登革热传染病媒介生物-蚊虫的监测:采用了电动吸蚊器吸捕室内成蚊和在室外布罐设点容器法采集蚊幼虫,并采取定人、定时、定点、定方法监测蚊密度。结果全年监测共捕获蚊虫11478只,经分类属库蚊亚科,库蚊属,致倦库蚊、三带喙库蚊、贪食库蚊、拟态库蚊;伊蚊属,白蚊伊蚊;阿蚊属,骚扰阿蚊;按蚊亚科,按蚊属,中华按蚊,共计捕获二亚科4属7种。其中优势种为白纹伊蚊占94.28%,致倦库蚊数占3.72%,骚扰阿蚊占0.84%,三带喙库蚊占0.19%,中华按蚊占0.07%,贪食库蚊占0.009%,拟态库蚊占0.009%。不同采集方法蚊种差异很大,布罐监测以白纹伊蚊为优势种,和用电动吸蚊器监测室内以致倦库蚊为优势种。蚊虫季节消长,蚊幼虫季节消长全年最高峰是在6月和9月蚊密度为37%,阳性罐平均为7.94只在1、2月蚊幼密度为0进入越冬期;室内成蚊季节消长,成蚊密度最高峰是6月密度为32.29%只/人工小时,其次是在11月密度为31.56%只/人工小时,最低是3月密度为0.89%只/人工小时,到次年4-5月随气温计回升蚊密度逐渐升高,该机场深入开展爱国卫生运动,加强了科学灭蚊工作,未发现疟疾、登革热蚊媒传染。今后必须坚持科学灭蚊,积极创建国际卫生机场。

关 键 词:蚊虫种类  媒介生物  密度监测  季节消长  传染病

成都双流国际机场2005年6月~2006年5月对疟疾、 登革热传染病媒介生物的监测与分析
Abstract:In this paper, CSIA's surveillance on mosquito, the vectors of Malaria and Dengue fever, is reported. It was carried out from June 2005 to May 2006 with the methods inculding indoor adult mosquito collected method, outdoor larva collecting method and water container collecting method etc. The mosquito density at CSIA was surveied by the same staff at the regular time, desingnated spot, and using same method. As a result, totally 11478 mosquitoes were captured in the year, and identified as belonging to 2 subfamilies, 4 genus and 7 species, including Culiecinae, Genus Culex Linnaeus, C·pipiens quinquefasciatus Say, C·tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Culex(Lutzia)halifaxia Theobald,1903、Culex mineticus Noé,1899; Genus Aedes Meigen, Aedes albopictus Skuse; Genus Armigeres Theobald, Armigeres Subalbatus; Anophelinae, Genus Anopheles Meigen; Anopheles sinemsis Wiedemann. Among them, Aedes albopictus Skuse (94.28%) was the dominant species, and following was C·pipiens quinquefasciatus Say (3.72%), Armigeres Subalbatus (0.84%) , C·tritaeniorhynchus Giles (0.19%), Anopheles sinemsis Wiedemann (0.07%), Culex(Lutzia)halifaxia Theobald,1903 (0.009%)、Culex mineticus Noé,1899 (0.009%). The dominant species varied caused of various collecting method, and for example, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say being the dominant species of 62.48% surveyed by electric absorptive method, Aedes albopictus Skuse, being the dominant species of 93.35% surveyed by container method. The seasonal growth of larva at CSIA: two peaks of density appeared in June and September with mosquito density of 37%; average positive pot was 7.94, and zero during January and Febrery. The seasonal growth of adult mosquito at CSIA: peak of density appeared in June with density of 32.29%/per person hour, followed by the density in November, 31.56% per person hour, and the lowest density appeared in March, 0.89% per person hour, increasing step by step from April to May next year along with the increasing of temperature. CSIA has penetrated into patriotic health, strengthened scientific mosquito control, and no Malaria snd Dengue fever infectious disease. In the future, we must persist on scientific mosquito control and establish the international sanitary airport positively.
Keywords:mosquito speciesL   vector   density surveilanc seasonal growth   infectious disease
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